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Sep 27 2020

Historic Mural at University of Rhode Island Canceled for Depicting White People

If the task is to demolish American civilization, you won’t find a better tool than political correctness. The USA was overwhelming Caucasian until very recently. That means any aspect of our heritage that predates current times can be abolished on grounds of lack of inclusion. For example, since 1954, the Memorial Union at the University of Rhode Island has featured a special mural …

When veterans returned from World War II and enrolled at URI, they and other community members raised money in memory of those who lost their lives in the war.

Money raised was for a modern student union, which gave it the name, “Memorial Union.”

For almost 70 years, a prominent feature of Memorial Union has been a mural painted by decorated veteran and member of the class of 1950 Art Sherman, depicting “servicemen returning to Kingston, a class reunion, URI commencement, a South County beach scene, and students piled into a jalopy wearing letter sweaters.”

URI had fewer than 2,000 students at the time. They were mostly white. Consequently, the figures in the mural are mostly white.

So the mural must come down.

Barks Kathy Collins, Vice President of Student Affairs:

“I have received complaints about the murals that portray a very homogeneous population predominately the persons painted and depicted on the wall are predominantly white and that does not represent who our institution is today.”

Cultural vandals screeched that “they didn’t feel comfortable sitting in that space” because the mural features too many white people.

To intimidate those who might resist their heritage being erased, Collins brandishes the Black Lives Matter cudgel:

“I think we have to recognize the horrible incidents and the tragic murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and most recently Jacob Blake in Kenosha Wisconsin during this is heightened time and we as an institution have to look at the systems in place across this institution that maybe are not representing who we are today and representing the true diversity of URI today,” said Collins.

None of those people was murdered. Floyd apparently died of a fentanyl overdose while resisting arrest. Taylor was accidently hit in the crossfire after her boyfriend initiated a gunfight with police. Blake, who was shot in self-defense as he went for a knife, isn’t even dead.

However, facts don’t matter. Those who fail to cower before the narrative are subject to cancelation, just like the mural.

Woke bullies have no mercy. They will extirpate every trace of American culture. A very different culture has already begun to take its place.

On a tip from Adam.


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