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Sep 24 2020

TikTok Baby Toss Challenge

Now that it has effectively merged with the Democratic Party, Black Lives Matter has scrubbed its plan to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family” from its website for political reasons (though you can still see it here). However, the prevailing attitude toward the family remains unchanged among the politically fashionable, to judge from the Baby Toss Challenge, which is all the rage on TikTok

Via Summit News:

[P]arents and siblings, most of whom appear to be African-American, are seen lip syncing to the song Baby by Blueface, which features the lyrics, “No baby, we can’t have the baby. If you don’t take this Plan B, b****, it’s plan C.”

Plan B is a reference to the morning after pill. Plan C is presumably abortion.

The babies are then thrown off to the side or behind, with the user in most instances not even checking to see if they landed safely before twerking or performing some other kind of dance in front of the camera.

That sums up the progressive attitude toward the family, personal responsibility, and the value of innocent life.

Blueface has explicitly encouraged this behavior, urging his fans to “Grab da nearest baby.”

Behold what they are replacing our culture with:

On tips from Kate P and StephaneDumas.


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One Response to “TikTok Baby Toss Challenge”

  1. […] have no mercy. They will extirpate every trace of American culture. A very different culture has already begun to take its […]


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