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Apr 26 2023

Holland Lifting Age Restrictions on Euthanizing Sick Children

As Joe Biden keeps reminding us, they aren’t your children; they are the government’s children. That should make them easy to deal with if they become a drain on the incrementally socialized healthcare system. To see our future under Democrat rule, look to progressive Holland, which is lifting age restrictions on euthanizing sick children. From the Dutch government:

The current Scheme for Termination of Pregnancy and Termination of Life for Newborns (LZA/LP) will be amended and expanded to include termination of life in children aged 1-12. This concerns a small group of terminally ill children who suffer hopelessly and unbearably, whose palliative care options are not sufficient to relieve their suffering and who are expected to die in the foreseeable future.

A small group for now. All things governmental start relatively small but grow like stage 4 cancer.

This is what Minister Kuipers of Health, Welfare and Sport writes in the government’s response to the evaluation of the LZA/LP Regulation from March 2022, which was sent to the House of Representatives. The evaluation shows that the LZA/LP Scheme is not yet functioning properly. Doctors feel reluctance to perform late termination of pregnancy or termination of life in newborns.

Doctors still have qualms about killing children. No worries; Big Government lumbers to the rescue:

The Cabinet has decided to amend the current LZA/LP Scheme in line with the recommendations from the evaluation, in order to remove this reticence as much as possible and to improve the functioning of the scheme in practice. The scheme will also be expanded to include the assessment of termination of life in children aged 1-12 (L1-12).

Canada has moved to euthanize the mentally ill. In Belgium, they kill people for being depressed. The USA is not far behind; euthanasia is already legal in many blue states.

At least we won’t have to worry about mopey kids when liberals have finished imposing utopia.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.


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5 Responses to “Holland Lifting Age Restrictions on Euthanizing Sick Children”

  1. […] Once again, Holland is at the cutting edge of liberalism: […]

  2. […] Once again, Holland is at the cutting edge of liberalism: […]

  3. […] To see where we slide down the slippery slope from here, look to the Netherlands, where healthcare now includes aborting children age 1–12 years. […]

  4. […] Holland Lifting Age Restrictions on Euthanizing Sick Children As Joe Biden keeps reminding us, they aren’t your children; they are the government’s children. That should make them easy to deal with if they become a drain on the incrementally socialized healthcare system. To see our future under Democrat rule, look to progressive Holland, which is lifting age restrictions on euthanizing sick children. […]


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