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Apr 25 2023

Biden: Your Children Are Ours

As MSNBC propagandist Melissa Harris-Perry lisped, they aren’t your children, they are the government’s children. That’s what Shrillary means by “It takes a village.” Looking vaguely sinister as he hides his drugged eyes behind sunglasses, Joe Biden confirms the prevailing attitude among our rulers:

Biden has made this point before.

If you can think of anyone on earth you wouldn’t rather entrust children to than creeps like Joe Biden, personification of the degenerate liberal ruling class, consider the context of the remark:

Biden and first lady Jill Biden honored educators who were nominated to be teachers of the year for 2023 at the White House when the president made the comments.

“I never thought, as a student of history, I never thought I’d be a president who’s fighting against elected officials trying to ban and banning books,” Biden said during his speech. “I’ve never met a parent wants a politician dictating what their kid can learn and what they can think, or who they can be.”

“Banning books” is a reference to attempts to remove homosexual pornography from public school libraries and curricula. “Dictating” what children “can be” means stopping teachers from grooming young children with LGBT indoctrination.

What right do you have to object to liberals submersing your children in filth and depravity? They aren’t your children; they are Joe Biden’s children. Be thankful he doesn’t demand to shower with them.

On tips from Thug vs Installed Imbecile and Mr. Freemarket.


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6 Responses to “Biden: Your Children Are Ours”

  1. […] Joe Biden keeps reminding us, they aren’t your children; they are the government’s children. That should make them easy to deal with if they become a drain on the incrementally socialized […]

  2. […] Joe Biden keeps reminding us, they aren’t your children; they are the government’s children. That should make them easy to deal with if they become a drain on the incrementally socialized […]

  3. […] Parents have no say in their children’s bodies being irreversibly deformed, once they are in the clutches of the leftists running Minnesota. After all, kids are not their parents’ kids; they are the government’s kids. […]

  4. […] Parents have no say in their children’s bodies being irreversibly deformed, once they are in the clutches of the leftists running Minnesota. After all, kids are not their parents’ kids; they are the government’s kids. […]


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