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Jun 15 2023

Johns Hopkins Erases Women

Liberals cannot define what a woman is because according to their current dogma there can be no such creature. Consequently, the liberal establishment is erasing them:

The prestigious Johns Hopkins University has erased the word ‘women’ from a newly produced ‘inclusive language guide’ in its definition of the term ‘lesbian’.

The Baltimore-based university is known for its excellence in education and research, particularly in the field of medicine and recognized as one of the top medical institutions in the world.

It remains to be seen how long this reputation can be maintained by an institution that denies biological reality at a level so fundamental as to be understood by infants.

[T]he current definition of ‘lesbian’ describes it as ‘a non-man attracted to non-men’.

This is on the level:

Where once there were women, now there are “non-men.” Update your Newspeak Dictionary accordingly.

On a tip from Franco.


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