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Mar 06 2023

Latest Demand: Black Bereavement Leave

Dance with the one who brought you. That appears to be the guiding principle of black educators, many of whom owe their positions to identity politics. Education is not about education; it is about weaponizing victimhood to advance blacks at the expense of other races. Angel Jones pushes the obsession with racial identity to the point of self-parody:

A professor at Southern Illinois University asserts that black American workers should get paid time off to grieve whenever a black person is killed regardless of whether they knew the person or were related to them.

Jones implies that blacks should get time off even when blacks are killed by other blacks, as is usually the case when they die violently.

Jones says she burst into tears when she was forced to email her students after Tyre Nichols’ death in Memphis.

No one disputes that Tyre Nichols was beaten to death by other blacks, although liberals have predictably tried to blame white racism for it.

Jones published a piece in Times Higher Education with the demanding title, “Where’s Our Black Bereavement Leave?

Crybullies Jones:

I am a proud educator who loves what I do. But before that, I am a Black woman. A Black woman who is expected to return to “business as usual” on Monday after seeing a member of my community murdered on Friday. Although it is customary for employees to receive support and understanding while grieving the loss of a loved one, the same care is rarely shown to the Black community when we lose someone in horrific and traumatic ways. Where’s our Black bereavement leave?

She also says that blacks deserve free counseling to deal with “racial battle fatigue” resulting from their imaginary oppression.

If you give children whatever they demand while purring obsequiously that they are somehow put upon, their demands will soon become absurdly unreasonable. This also applies to racial groups.

How to be black for a living.

On tips from Franco and Jack D.


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