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Dec 16 2023

Let Them Drink Sewage

Despite the arid climate, a fair amount of rain falls in California. Almost all of it flows out to sea, wasted. It could be captured in reservoirs, so that people could drink it. Unfortunately, the moonbats in charge bark that this inconveniences minnows.

No worries; progressives always have solutions for the problems they cause. Californians can just drink sewage:

The California State Water Resources Control Board is tentatively planning a vote next week to approve a landmark water regulation that would turn sewage into drinking water across California.

Here’s why Californians might have to drink sewage:

The project is an effort to tackle climate change and the problem of water droughts.

There have always been droughts in California. That’s why they used to build reservoirs. As for climate change, that is an issue only in the imagination of moonbats.

Given California’s long coastline, large-scale desalinization would be an option — except that would be offensive to plankton, according to the California Coastal Commission.

It’s okay. Other countries drink recycled sewage. Namibia, for example, and if it’s good enough for Namibia…

However, this year, it was reported that Namibia is facing a water contamination crisis and the water is “not fit for human consumption.” Many communities in the country fear outbreaks of waterborne diseases.

Expecting people to drink sewage is especially emblematic of the state’s liberal rule when you consider that California is the seat of the entertainment industry.

On a tip from Franco.


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