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Aug 08 2024

Let’s Have a VP Willing to Face the Press

The reason Cackala has not given a single press conference or interview since being anointed the unelected Queen of the Democrats is that not even the mainstream media can be counted on to avoid asking relevant questions. For example, in the video below, she was asked about the Bidenomics economy and the wide open border. She was forced to evade these pressing issues by barking incongruent praise for abortion and homosexuality, while attacking our right of self-defense and election integrity:

No worries, media. If you want to interview a vice president, our next one is willing to answer questions:

Both Vance’s and Harris’ planes landed in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, around the same time as both candidates hit the campaign trail in the swing state. Vance took the opportunity to address the reporters waiting for Harris and called on the Democrat to answer more questions from the press.

“I figured I’d come by … hopefully it’s going to be my plane in a few months,” Vance said pointing back at Air Force Two. “I also thought you guys may get lonely because the vice president doesn’t answer questions from reporters and hasn’t for seventeen days.”

Vance offered the no doubt “weird” opinion that it would be good for the media if Que Mala “actually ran a real campaign instead of one from her basement with a teleprompter” like Biden did in 2020.

Instead of abandoning his unit like Tim Awalz, Vance confronted America’s terrorist enemies in Iraq. Likewise, instead of hiding like Heels-Up Harris, he faces a press that is hostile to him rather than servile.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and Dr. Kufi Tutite.


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