Make the SOB Deny It
The story may be apocryphal, but it is still told today, because it sums up the hardball politics of the Father of the Welfare State, Lyndon Johnson. Via MassCommons:
The race was close and Johnson was getting worried. Finally he told his campaign manager to start a massive rumor campaign about his opponent’s life-long habit of enjoying carnal knowledge of his own barnyard sows.
“Christ, we can’t get away with calling him a pig-f***er,” the campaign manager protested. “Nobody’s going to believe a thing like that.”
“I know,” Johnson replied. “But let’s make the sonofabitch deny it.”
Looks like the tactic has crossed the aisle. Few will swallow this tasteless allegation, but it would explain Walz’s aggressive support for the LGBT agenda.
On tips from Dr. Kufi Tutite and David Kight.
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