Male Perverts Allowed to Strip Search Women
Where degenerates take charge of the government, you can expect sexual perversion to be imposed by force. According to guidance produced by the British Transport Police (BTP), male officers who have acquired a “Gender Recognition Certificate” certifying them to be sexually deranged can strip search women in custody:
Separately, the BTP has also reportedly determined that staff can wear the “uniform in whichever gender they choose” and are allowed to use the changing rooms and showers of the gender they identify with.
Sex criminals must feel quite at home in what moonbattery has made of the UK.
[R]etired police superintendent Cathy Larkman, who now serves as the national policing lead for the Women’s Rights Network, described the [strip searching] policy as “state-sanctioned sexual assault”.
That’s what women get for falling below transsexuals in the woke pecking order. If they tried harder to be more oppressed, they might make it to the top tier of the multistory outhouse that is Cultural Marxism.
On a tip from Barry A.
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