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Category: Police

Jul 01 2024

Miami Police Clown Car

As the establishment-driven Black Lives Matter phenomenon made clear, the liberal agenda calls for marginalizing and eventually abolishing local police, allowing the lowlifes comprising the Democrat base to inflict social justice on the law-abiding with impunity.

There will always be people Democrats want imprisoned. For this, they will use more ideologically reliable federal police, which is why they are building a new FBI headquarters twice the size of the Pentagon.

At the height of the BLM riots, Democrats barked about defunding the police. But a more effective approach is to render the police ludicrous. From Miami:

Presumably the officers inside will be dressed in fright wigs, huge floppy shoes, et cetera. They will make the streets safe by squirting water at criminals from the flowers on their lapels.

There will be no law and order where police are not taken seriously.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 19 2024

Seattle Recruits Illegal Alien Police Officers

Could moonbattery-addled Seattle possibly get any more dysfunctional? Sure it could — by staffing the defunded, demonized, and demoralized police with illegal aliens:

Faced with an unprecedented shortage of officers, the Seattle Police Department (SPD) is actively recruiting recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival Status (DACA) to become cops.

The officer shortage was caused by Democrats’ war on police following George Floyd’s fentanyl overdose. DACA recipients are illegal aliens who were underage when they entered the country.

Undocumented Democrats will get hiring preference over Americans, if only because they are more likely to be fluent in a foreign language, but also because of DEI:

In a March 2023 memo to SPD human resources staff titled “SPD Marketing More and Less,” [Ben] Dalgetty [of the Mayor’s Office] asked for “less” images and videos of “officers who are white, male,” and “officers with military bearing.” In their place, Dalgetty asked for more “officers of color,” “officers of different genders,” and “officers who are younger.” And rather than reach as many possible applicants as possible, the strategy was to hyper-target black, Hispanic and Asian Seattleites with early marketing efforts.

If you are a normal white guy in the country legally, you are less welcome than others on the SPD. Making this explicit will not help recruit the best candidates.

Seattle isn’t breaking new ground. The poison killing the entire West Coast seeps north from California:

Earlier in the year, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) made the same move. They even altered its written firearms policy to allow DACA cops to carry a firearm while off-duty.

People who are breaking the law just by being here will be in charge of enforcing the law on American citizens at gunpoint. What could go wrong?

On tips from Htos1av and Franco.

Jun 13 2024

German Guy Identifies as Policewoman

A guy can identify as a woman, why can’t he identify as a policewoman? From Germany:

Born as Ömer K., trans woman Lara K. (27) patrolled the capital for months – as a fake police officer: she [sic] helped real “colleagues”, travelled in patrol cars and even went to the shooting range.

Until she [sic] was caught in 2019 – wearing full police gear, carrying handcuffs, a special baton and a blank-firing weapon. Now, four years (!) later, the trial takes place at the Berlin district court.

There was no need to rush the trial. Ömer I mean Lara was already in prison serving a 7-year sentence.

She [sic] was sentenced in 2021 for robbing bank customers at ATMs. Sentenced as Ömer at the time, she [sic] is now in a women’s prison.

Because of course he is.

Ömer K. admits to all the various charges against him with one exception:

She [sic] only denies possession of child pornography.

Is it possible that even transsexuals have a vestigial concept of shame?

Jun 09 2024

Newsom Wants to Defund Police as California Decays

What to do when leftist tyranny is driving out the tax base and you have emptied the treasury providing free healthcare and sex-change surgeries to illegal aliens? For Gavin Newsom, the solution is simple: stop spending on public safety. Leadership is all about priorities:

The California Democrat’s proposed budget, released in May, notes that “difficult decisions” are necessary to address the estimated $27.6 billion deficit, which is projected to continue for years to come. It includes a $97 million cut to trial court operations, $10 million to the Department of Justice’s Division of Law Enforcement and more than $80 million to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.


Newsom proposed shifting money from the general fund, offering $1.7 billion for climate goals, particularly those related to “equity programs.”

There is nothing wrong with the climate, nor could California Democrats do anything about it if there were. They may as well flush the money down the toilet.

Also meanwhile,

Since the beginning of the year, there have been 8,686 thefts in San Francisco, not including 1,962 burglaries and 2,298 motor vehicle thefts, according to the latest available crime stats.

Detroit was once the wealthiest city in the country. Then it succumbed to the Democrat Death Spiral, whereby demographic transformation leads to Democrats getting elected, leading to leftist policies that drive out productive citizens, leading to more Democrats getting elected in a vicious cycle that inevitably produces economic and societal collapse. The erstwhile Golden State is going down the same drain.


On a tip from WDS 2.0. Graphic compliments of Chuck A.

Jun 03 2024

Illegal Alien Shoots NYPD Officers

Because they are irregular troops, the authorities refrain from using the time-honored tactic of shooting the invaders who have been pouring across the border to conquer us. The invaders shoot the authorities though:

A teenage Venezuelan migrant has been arrested for allegedly shooting two young NYPD cops after they tried to pull him over while he was riding a scooter.

The heart bleeds for justice-involved teens.

Police approached Bernardo Raul Castro-Mata, 19, as he drove the unregistered motorbike the wrong way down a one-way highway in Queens overnight.

He allegedly responded by opening fire on the officers using an unlicensed gun before fleeing on foot at around 1.40am, NYPD said. One officer was struck in the leg while the other sustained a shot to their bulletproof vest.

Castro-Mata illegally crossed the undefended border at Eagle Pass last year and has been living at taxpayer expense at a migrant shelter near where he opened fire on police. Although he had been accused of attacking a woman and stealing her credit card, this is his first arrest in NYC. It won’t be his last.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 24 2024

Biscuits and Gravy Are Now Racist and Offensive

Ever since George Floyd took too much fentanyl, the liberal establishment has been shrieking that criminals ought to be allowed to run riot because local police are racists. At last there is proof. From the People’s Republic of New York:

A veteran Westchester County corrections sergeant is under investigation for a “racist and offensive” social media post ridiculing Georgia jail guards, officials told The Post.

Behold the thoughtcrime of Sgt. Michael Bourhill:

Look out, Sergeant. Here come the crybully thugs with their clubs:

A Westchester County black corrections officer group took even more umbrage, calling the post racist.

“The Westchester Correction Association strongly condemns the racist and offensive social media post shared by a Westchester Correction Sergeant,” the group said on Facebook.

This lynch mob has demanded that “immediate steps” be taken against Bourhill. They will of course get their way.

“Posting or reposting inappropriate images is a violation of Westchester County employee policy,” [county communications director Catherine] Cioffi said. “Employees who violate this policy will be subject to formal disciplinary charges.”

As leftists become increasingly desperate to find racism against allegedly oppressed blacks, ever more anodyne terms become forbidden. Punishment is retroactive; just because everyone used to say “biscuits and gravy” doesn’t mean the last person to say it before it was struck from the Newspeak Dictionary won’t get canceled. So how are you supposed to know what speech is permitted?

Here’s a rule of thumb: if you are the sort of guy liberals wouldn’t like, whatever you say is racist and offensive, so don’t say anything. Fade away and stop existing. You are a speed bump on the road to moonbat utopia.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 18 2024

Large Contingent of Democrats Vote Against Police

In case there is anyone left in the country who doesn’t understand which side is the bad guys:

Every member of the far-left “Squad” and dozens of other House Democrats voted Friday against a resolution condemning calls to “defund the police,” which have preceded a record-breaking spike in violence against law enforcement officers.

The House still overwhelmingly passed the measure in a bipartisan 337-61 vote, denouncing the anti-cop movement, declaring support for officers in the line of duty and expressing condolences to the family members of those who have been killed while serving. …

No Republicans voted against the measure.

Some Democrats held their nose and voted with Republicans because they are vulnerable in the November elections. Others are in districts that have already been secured and can vote their id. Sixty-one openly sided with criminals against local law enforcement, flaunting their intention to turn the USA into Haiti.

Thanks go to the Squad for providing a cautionary preview of what the remnants of America will be like before Democrats have finished demographically transforming it via welfare policy and the undefended border. The plan is for the whole country to be the kind of place that would elect the likes of AOC, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman, et al.

On a tip from Varla.

May 04 2024

Life Without Law Enforcement in Pacific Northwest

In the moonbattery-addled Pacific Northwest, the war on increasingly irrelevant local police has not abated:

At least 15 police training vehicles were set on fire early Thursday morning at the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) training division located on Northeast Airport Way, PPB reported.

Sounds like Antifa — speaking of which, here are some Antifa-looking thugs who had taken over the Portland State University library leaving unmolested by the police, also on Thursday:

The occupation shut down PSU classes for days. Educrats agreed not to expel, suspend, or file criminal charges against the 50 or so hooligans if they would relinquish the library, despite the vandalism they had committed. After all, their purpose was one any devout liberal could embrace: to show support for Hamas in the aftermath of the October 7 terror atrocities, and to demand a “ceasefire” (i.e., surrender by Israel) as Joe Biden has done. But many of the revolutionaries rejected the deal, understanding that there would be no punishment anyway. Apparently their snacks and juice boxes lasted until Thursday, when they scuttled off like cockroaches.

Antifa was involved in organizing the event. Antifa serves the same purpose for the Democratic Party that the Sturmabteilung did for the Nazi Party as it consolidated power.

Watch these same goons pushing someone down the stairs:

Note the pro-terrorist graffiti now adorning the walls.

Antifa vermin know there will be no consequences for their criminal behavior because the police have been marginalized in progressive Portland. The same goes for Seattle:

An unruly homeless man threatened and assaulted employees at a Pike Place Market coffee shop and bakery in Seattle before destroying the countertop display. One of the threatened employees was forced to pull a kitchen knife to defend himself and his coworker.

Another employee attempted to use “a spatula and baking tray” for self-defense, as the maniac made a gesture suggesting that he had a gun.

One reason you need a gun yourself is that when seconds count, the police are minutes away. Or hours away. Or if you live under end-stage liberalism, they never show up at all:

[Owner Ian] Halcott said his employees called 911 but, due to staffing, officers were not dispatched to the store. The suspect got away.

All part of life under moonbat rule in the aftermath of Black Lives Matter:

Earlier in the month, a homeless man defecated in the store. He also got away.

Halcott himself may want to get away, to a part of the country where enough remains of civilization so that you can run a business. But then, if sane people don’t start standing their ground, the whole country will soon be reduced to Portland and Seattle.

On tips from Wiggins and Straight Shootr.

Apr 14 2024

Why Not Jaylen Lobley as Next George Floyd?

When lowlife Dexter Reed got himself killed by opening fire on police officers, the media tested the story to determine whether it could be exploited to create another George Floyd spectacle, so as to intimidate the opposition on behalf of Democrats before the November elections. If Reed doesn’t work out, there are plenty of other candidates, thanks to the climate of lawlessness leftists have deliberately created. Maybe Jaylen Lobley can be the next George Floyd:

While responding to [a suspicious vehicle] call, investigators say Memphis police officer Joseph McKinney was killed by Jaylen Lobley, who was in the vehicle and fired out at the officers. The other officers with McKinney returned fire and two were injured by gunfire. One officer was hospitalized in non-critical condition and one received medical attention at the scene of the shooting.

No doubt they had it coming for being systemically racist. But now for the tragic part:

Lobley was also killed during the shootout as police took two other suspects into custody as well, including a 17-year-old who was in critical condition.

When the police have not been sufficiently defunded, you get more such victims of racist oppression.

This will surprise no one who has been following the liberal campaign to inflict violent mayhem:

Lobley had been released from jail without bond by a Shelby County judge after being hit with weapon and theft felony charges last month, according to a report from ABC24. He was facing two counts of motor vehicle theft, unlawful possession of a weapon, and multiple vandalism charges.

Had Lobley been behind bars where he belonged, Joseph McKinney would still be alive.

If only the moonbats who unleash violent criminals on the public for the sake of their political agenda could be tried as accomplices to the crimes that inevitably result. But who would try them? The legal system has already largely fallen to the Long March Through the Institutions.

On tips from Wiggins and MrRightWingDave.

Apr 11 2024

Media Floats Dexter Reed as 2024’s George Floyd

There is a big election coming, and for obvious reasons, the Democrat establishment is vulnerable. Time to intimidate the public with massive race riots like in 2020.

Did the police kill Dexter Reed just to be racist? Actually no; the scumbag had opened fire on them, wounding an officer. But that’s not how the mainstream media presents it. Via Breitbart:

• The Incredible Shrinking Washington Post: Police fire 96 shots in 41 seconds, killing [b]lack man during traffic stop

USA Today: Seat belt violation ends with [b]lack man dead on Chicago street after cops fired nearly 100 bullets

CBS News: Why did traffic stop, shootout with Chicago Police killed Dexter Reed escalate so rapidly?

The Independent: Black man’s family demand answers after bodycam shows Chicago police firing 96 times in deadly shooting

Associated Press: Deadly Chicago traffic stop where police fired 96 shots raises serious questions about use of force

Chicago Sun-Times: Killing of Dexter Reed raises questions about Chicago police reform. ‘The message is, go in guns blazing.’

The liberals in charge had good reason to bestow large monetary rewards upon Black Lives Matter rioters in places like Philadelphia, New York, and Denver. They wanted to be sure their weaponized mob could be relied on when needed.

Even if hyping Dexter Reed gets insufficient traction because it is too obvious that the police did nothing wrong, it will at least help prime the pump for the inevitable next incident.

On tips from Wiggins and KirklesWorth.

Mar 22 2024

Slutty Policewoman Strikes It Rich

Opportunities in law enforcement abound for women in Tennessee. Nashville is going to hilarious lengths to recruit them. Look how well Maegan Hall made out in nearby La Vergne:

Tennessee cop-gone-wild Maegan Hall settled her lawsuit with the city of La Vergne for $500,000 after she was fired when an internal probe revealed her raunchy romps with six male officers

The 28-year-old was fired in January 2023 after it was first discovered that she had sexual relationships with several cops in the suburban-Nashville department – some who have been terminated, others suspended.

The rookie cop hit back in a federal lawsuit, claiming she was groomed and abused by lecherous superiors…

Bad behavior pays generously in a world run by moonbats. Just be sure to portray yourself as a victim.

One of the cops who got fired for having sex with her on duty has an even more lucrative victim angle:

[Officer Lewis] Powell is suing the city after claiming he was fired – while his white colleagues were allowed to stay on the force – because of his race.

He is suing the city, the Mayor, Jason Cole, La Vergne HR Director Andrew Patton and former Police Chief Chip Davis for racial discrimination, claiming $3 million in damages as well as front and back pay.

Davis is black too — unless he didn’t vote for Biden. Maybe he should sue also.

Good thing taxpayers have plenty of money. Diversity isn’t cheap.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Mar 18 2024

Nashville Police Sacrifice Public Safety to DEI

Memphis isn’t the only city in Tennessee where public safety has taken a back seat to moonbattery:

More moonbattery:

Stand by to see what the effect of feminizing the police department will be on crime.

On tips from Wiggins and WDS 2.0.

Mar 14 2024

Toronto Police: Leave Out Keys for Car Thieves

When liberals started calling for the defunding and “reimagining” of police, some wondered what they planned to do about crime. Ever at the vanguard of moonbattery, Canada provides the answer:

Toronto Police Service Constable Marco Ricciardi said, “To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your [key] fobs at your front door because they’re breaking into your home to steal your car. They don’t want anything else.”

Just let thieves have your property. Then we don’t need police.

The Drive reports that some Canadians are taking the advice…

…like one person who—after having their vehicle broken into three times—opted to leave their car unlocked (along with a big, handwritten note indicating this) so that would-be thieves don’t break the window again.

You can see why a car is stolen in Canada every 6 minutes.

Enforcing the law is rejected because it results in disparate impact — although that can also be avoided by reassigning criminals of color to a different race.

Citizens would be able to defend themselves from thieves entering their homes demanding the car keys, except that where liberalism has triumphed, only criminals and the government (but I repeat myself) have guns.

On a tip from Brian Brandt.

Feb 19 2024

Black Academic Roland Fryer Escapes Plantation

It isn’t that liberals find blacks inherently worthy of worship. It is that they believe blacks can be controlled. Sometimes they are wrong; some have the integrity to escape the plantation — even in academia:

In 2016, Harvard Economics Professor Roland Fryer published a study to explore racial differences in the use of force by police. …

The research revealed that blacks are 23.5% less likely to be shot at by police than whites. Meanwhile, Hispanics were 8.5% less likely to be shot at by police compared to whites.

That makes sense. You don’t get the Derek Chauvin treatment for being harsh to whites.

Fryer and his team looked and looked, but could find no basis in reality for the liberal talking point that local police shoot blacks out of sheer white supremacism. The consequences of pointing out that the Narrative is a lie were not pretty:

When DEI hires like Claudine Gay are put in positions of authority, it is honest scholars like Fryer who pay the price. From last month:

Gay in July 2019 suspended and revoked many academic privileges of Roland Fryer, a renowned black economics professor at Harvard, after the university investigated him for allegations of sexual harassment. Fryer famously conducted research into the killings of unarmed people in Houston and did not find racial disparities in the shootings.

No need to chase after girls to get #MeTooed. Just be a black professor who doesn’t toe the line when it comes to producing leftist propaganda rather than scholarship.

On a tip from seaoh.


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