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Apr 09 2024

Moonbat Blames Trump Supporters for NYC Face Punching

The New York City fad of punching random white or Asian women in the face turns out not to be a consequence of liberal lawlessness and Black Lives Matter race hate ideology after all. Salon’s Amanda Marcotte reveals that once again Donald Trump is to blame — or rather the misogyny of his supporters.

Mind your ears; Amanda has a tendency to shriek. Here she goes, via The Blaze:

These stories resonate, as well, because the nation is having a moment of increasingly unhinged male fury at women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than catering to a man’s every whim. Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there’s an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner.

Deplorable MAGA types prowl the streets of ultraliberal NYC, just like in Chicago, where a pair of them set upon Jussie Smollett for being black and gay.

Everything that ever happens anywhere can be forced to fit into the liberal narrative; you just have to apply some intellectual elbow grease.

When countermoonbats responded to Amanda with guffaws…

…Amanda seized upon this as proof that she is oppressed by the male chauvinists comprising the patriarchy:

“Man, I knew this article was super true when I wrote it, but the hateful emails MAGA men are sending doubly prove it. Hit dogs, as they say, holler,” she said on social media.

“Oh men, just know that your angry emails are going unread. If I see a man’s name on the email and a mention of punching women, I know what you’re going to say and will delete without a read,” she added.

Only by firmly closing your ears to dissenting opinion can you achieve pure moonbattery.

Trump supporters would put a stop to this.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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