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Jan 01 2023

Moonbat Reveals That You Really Can Change Your Sex

In honor of New Year’s Day, let’s look back on the biggest story of 2022. It was revealed last year that transsexuality goes beyond cross-dressing, custom pronouns, hormone-induced deformities, and horrific surgical procedures. LGBT ideology is not only about the subjective delusions of the mentally ill; it pertains to objective reality. Despite the chromosomes that determine what sex you are being present in every cell of your body, it is actually possible to change your biological sex.

You can tell by her sneeringly condescending smugness that this moonbat knows what she is talking about:

You don’t believe it’s true? Then explain why men who proclaim themselves to be women are able to menstruate:

Trans women can even give birth — with the help of a Butt Baby, a product marketed as “a prosthetic baby that can be inserted deep into the loving embrace of the rectum, where a Trans Woman can experience and celebrate the miracle of childbirth.”

Warning — moonbattery is often (if not always) in extremely bad taste. The Hodge Twins attempt to explain human anatomy to the trans community:

The generation that went full moonbat will be a laughing stock for centuries to come.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Anonymous.


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2 Responses to “Moonbat Reveals That You Really Can Change Your Sex”

  1. […] We have been informed that we can change our biological sex. “Trans women” are even capable of menstruation. However, as with giving birth, it may require props: […]

  2. […] We have been informed that we can change our biological sex. “Trans women” are even capable of menstruation. However, as with giving birth, it may require props: […]


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