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Nov 16 2023

New York’s Clean Slate Act Doubles Down on Anarchy

Evidently bail reform did not subject law-abiding citizens to a sufficiently stratospheric level of preventable violence, so Kathy Hochul and the rest of New York’s liberal rulers will now inflict the Clean Slate Act:

Hochul is expected to sign the Clean Slate Act on Thursday, which will automatically seal records after three years for anyone who committed a misdemeanor and after eight years for anyone who committed a felony (except Class A felonies) and is not a registered sex offender.

If you killed someone and accepted a plea deal or were convicted of manslaughter, you get a “clean slate.”

If you committed a rape alongside armed robbery and the rape wasn’t prosecuted to spare the victim (it especially happens with child victims), you get a “clean slate.”

A few people actually benefit from liberal rule — like Kim Crawford:

Crawford beat her 5-year-old because he broke the TV and then watched him suffer and die slowly for five days instead of getting him help so she did not get in trouble.

She got a manslaughter plea deal.

Clean slate for Crawford. She won’t be the only beneficiary:

Also getting a clean slate is a man who lured a cat in so he could punt it like a football — and taunted animal-rights supporters when he left the courtroom…

These two evil people and the many more like them will now be able to work around your home, your pets and your children without you or their employer ever knowing what they are capable of.

Unless they find out the hard way.

Local media supports the Clean Slate Act because its beneficiaries will tend to belong to the favored racial group that is most likely to have criminal records, like the examples given above:

Removing barriers to opportunities for formerly incarcerated New Yorkers is a matter of racial justice.

Meanwhile, Hochul squawks that New York needs to grow its own Stasi to monitor people’s opinions because she cares so much about public safety.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.


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