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May 04 2024

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Eva Vlaardingerbroek

Leftists have been able to make such alarming progress toward their goal of eradicating Western Civilization and the European race because they have exploited their control of media, education, government, and other institutions to create a climate in which people are afraid to discuss or even to notice what is being done to us. But fear of cancelation no longer makes sense now that our backs are to the wall. Nothing they can do to us is worse than what will happen if we don’t push back hard. Esteemed Dutch countermoonbat Eva Vlaardingerbroek gets it:

Anyone even acknowledging the existence of the Great Replacement (unless speaking in its favor) will be denounced as a racist. So hoist white-hating liberals on the petard of their hypocrisy. As Vlaardingerbroek puts it:

“Explain to me why we don’t have the right to exist, why we’re not allowed to be a majority in the continent, in the countries that we have been a majority in since forever? Explain it to me. Turn the question around.”

This lady understands the stakes:

What she says about the European Union applies with equal urgency to the liberal establishment that is systematically destroying the USA.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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