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Feb 09 2024

No Compensation for Muslim Woman’s Lost Testicles

At least living in a society that is succumbing to moonbattery makes for lively headlines. Regarding the story of the Muslim woman who wants his testicles back from his former boyfriend’s fridge, we have an update:

[A transsexual calling himself Brianna] Kingsley filed a handwritten small claims petition in August claiming [William] Wojciechowski “retains possession of my surgically extracted testicles, preserved in (a) Mason jar, kept in (the) fridge next to the eggs. Demand immediate return of my human remains specimen and damages of $6,500.”

He won’t be getting his testicles back. Wojciechowski chucked them out because they were rotting.

Wojciechowski filed a counterclaim seeking $6,500 in damages because he said he had been “humiliated” by coverage of the case by “worldwide news outlets.”

[50th District Court, Judge Jeremy] Bowie denied both claims, a decision he said Wednesday can’t be appealed.

A nontransphobic judge would have ruled in favor of Kingsley. Then people try to tell you that transsexuals are not oppressed.

Once again, the actual victim is the normal American taxpayer:

Kingsley, who clutched a small black comfort dog throughout the hearing, said the March 23, 2022 surgery [i.e., castration] at Henry Ford Hospital cost $20,000, although she said because she’s disabled, the state footed the bill. …

According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, “The Medicaid program covers medically necessary gender affirmation/confirming medical, surgical, and pharmacologic treatments and procedures for beneficiaries clinically diagnosed with gender dysphoria.”

How it could be medically necessary to cut off body parts to affirm lunatics in their delusions has never been explained.

On a tip from Ryan H.


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