OAC: We Can Push Biden to Further Extremes
The Democrats have to pull off a balancing act. To middle of the road swing voters who don’t pay much attention to politics, Joe Biden has to be presented as a safe moderate. But the Democratic base must never doubt that he is only a Trojan horse for the radical left, as they have been driving home lately with references to the “Harris-Biden Administration.” On Tuesday, Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez drove that home some more with this statement:
“Overall, we can likely push Vice President Biden in a more progressive direction.”
Considering the moonbattery Biden has read off his teleprompter over the past few months, going so far as to blame the police and “white supremacists” for Black Lives Matter violence, AOC’s statement should make any moderate’s hair stand on end. But Democrats already know that most anyone who follows politics closely either is a leftist or opposes them.
On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.
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