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Nov 07 2022

Obama’s Demagoguery Applies to Democrats

As the economy staggers under the radicalism and incompetence of the Biden Regime, the only justification Democrats can offer to vote for them is their assertion that because there was a minor riot by Trump supporters in defense of election integrity 2 years ago, Republicans represent a threat to democracy. Jazz Shaw correlates Barack Obama’s recent demagoguery on this issue with the realities of Democrat rule:

Obama: “We have seen throughout history and we see right now around the world what happens when you give up on democracy. You can see it in countries where the government tells you what books you can and cannot read.”

Shaw: Perhaps this might remind you of a country where public school libraries (that are regulated by the government) have removed the Bible, Huckleberry Finn, and the Diary of Anne Frank while adding books celebrating boys deciding to be girls (or vice versa) and the demonization of the Founding Fathers.

Obama:“Countries where, if you dissent, you get put into jail.”

Shaw: You know… the sort of place where a pastor gets hauled off to jail in front of his children by a dozen armed federal agents with body armor and rifles because he sang hymns in an abortion clinic. Or where someone gets five years in prison for literally just walking around in a restricted area of the Capitol.

Obama: “Countries where reporters are silenced.”

Shaw: Do you mean a country like the one where one of the oldest established newspapers was locked out of social media for weeks before an election for the “crime” of accurately reporting about a family member of an elected official? And where that happened while the government was proveably working in concert with the tech platforms to ensure that such voices were silenced?

Obama: “Countries where it doesn’t matter who you vote for because the same folks are going to win every time and they’ll do whatever they want and where corruption is rampant because there’s no accountability.”

Shaw: Many listeners must have been struggling to even imagine a nation where the courts would help suppress efforts to hand count ballots so the totals could be matched against the machine counts. And what sort of banana republic dictatorship would ban election monitors from watching ballot drop boxes to ensure there was no hanky panky going on?

The Founding Fathers recognized democracy as a disfunctional form of government that inevitably leads to tyranny and collapse. That’s why they set up a constitutional republic instead. In a free country, democracy is not an end in itself but a means to the end, which is ordered liberty. We vote not because 51% has a right to impose its will on the remaining 49%, but to maintain a check on the government and ensure that it abides by the Constitution.

When Democrats yelp about threats to democracy, presumably they mean threats to our system of government. These are the same people who want to abolish the Electoral College and attack the fundamental constitutional rights of free speech (“hate speech,” as they call it) and self-defense.

Once again, what Democrats accuse their opponents of, they are guilty of themselves. They are the threat.

On a tip from TCS III.


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