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Jul 25 2024

Open Thread

The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters - Antonio Gramsci

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 24 2024

Democrat Base Welcomes Netanyahu

Welcome to the USA under Democrat rule, Prime Minister Netanyahu:

Via Breitbart:

Anti-Israel protesters released maggots and mealworms in the hotel where Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is staying while visiting Washington, DC.

The Washington, DC; Maryland; and Virginia chapter of a pro-Palestinian organization called Palestinian Youth Movement posted a video on Instagram showing maggots and mealworms on a banquet table at the Watergate Hotel.

Jamaal Bowman can take pride:

The group added that fire alarms had been set off on several floors of the hotel for “over 30 minutes”…

It isn’t just scumbag activists. Netanyahu was invited to speak before a joint meeting of members of the House and Senate — yet:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) have both stated they will be boycotting “war criminal” Netanyahu’s speech.

That’s how prominent Democrats treat the leader of a close ally fighting for existence against Islamic terrorists.

You thought Biden was hostile to Israel, with his massive cash infusions for Hamas and pro-Islam propaganda in the aftermath of the October 7 terrorist atrocities? Stand by for Keffiyeh Kamala. She too boycotted Netanyahu’s speech:

Despite having become the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, she decided that an earlier commitment to the Zeta Phi Beta sorority’s convention in Indianapolis mattered more than a speech by the leader of one of America’s closest allies at a time of conflict and crisis in a region involving vital U.S. interests.

Ms. Harris is expected to meet Mr. Netanyahu during his visit to Washington, but the snub is unmistakable.

Like her fellow hard left radicals, Harris sides with Israel against Hamas:

NBC News reported that National Security Council officials “toned down” a draft of remarks Ms. Harris was to give on the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Israelis are “white adjacent” and therefore must be eradicated, according to her ideology.

Due to the leadership vacuum in the USA and Israel’s position at the front lines, Netanyahu is the de facto leader of the free world. As usual, he bore the responsibility well:

Netanyahu delivered a powerful speech to a special joint session of Congress on Wednesday, reminding the chamber that the U.S. has a stake in Israel’s fight against Hamas and Hezbollah terror.

But to the delight of Iran, Cackling Kamala — who is presumably our acting president now that Biden’s cognitive incapacitation has been acknowledged — couldn’t be bothered to listen.

“Our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory,” Netanyahu said.

He recalled the many attacks by Iran and its proxies against Americans, and noted Iran’s intent to target America after controlling the Middle East. In defending itself, he said, Israel was defending the United States as well.

As if to prove his point, the Democrat base, having gathered to support Hamas against Israel, burned Old Glory outside of Union Station:

That’s what our future will look like with Kamala et al. in control. The enemy is not just at the gates, but inside them.

On tips from Wiggins, David Kight, and Varla.

Jul 24 2024

Elon Musk’s Vow to Destroy Moonbattery

As a Japanese admiral might put it, the moonbats have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve:

Elon Musk believes his estranged transgender child was “killed by the woke mind virus” after he was tricked into giving his consent for puberty blockers.

By “woke mind virus,” the richest man in the world means “moonbattery.”

The 53-year-old billionaire vowed to “destroy” the “incredibly evil” culture that allows the gender reassignment surgery that his 20-year-old child Vivian Jenna Wilson, who was born Xavier, got in 2022.

Musk has taken the essential first step in saving civilization from leftism, which is to understand that it is not merely wrong but evil.

“I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier,” the X owner told psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson in a Daily Wire interview.

Even a visionary genius can be fooled when emotional blackmail is brought to bear.

“I was told Xavier might commit suicide…”

That’s the tactic. In reality, kids are vastly more likely to commit suicide if they are transsexualized than if the phase is allowed to pass. But a certain kind of health professional is not about to tell parents that.

Peterson suggested it “was a lie right from the outset” because there was no clinical evidence to support the claim.

“It’s incredibly evil, and I agree with you that the people that have been promoting this should go to prison,” Musk stated firmly.

Impalement on stakes isn’t an option, so prison will have to do for those who inflict transsexual horrors on children. But first leftists have to be pried loose from power. If anyone can figure out how to do it, it will be Elon Musk.

“I lost my son, essentially. They call it ‘deadnaming’ for a reason. The reason they call it ‘deadnaming’ is because your son is dead. My son, Xavier, is dead — killed by the woke mind virus.”

Already Musk has moved X and SpaceX out of California in response to a depraved and tyrannical law preventing schools from informing parents that their children are being transsexualized.

“I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after [Xavier was transsexualized],” he said. “And we’re making some progress.”

Stay tuned for his next move.

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 24 2024

Joy Reid Tells Blacks to Vote As They’re Told

There is no sane reason to vote for Kamala Harris. So the media will resort to an insane reason: vote for the (partially) black woman or you are a racist.

As you would expect from a spinoff of Joe “You Ain’t Black” Biden’s administration, the Cackling Kamala campaign will apply this racial bullying with particular force on blacks, who according to liberal ideology are not individual people but instances of a collectivist borg that is racially obligated to vote Democrat:

[Yesterday] Joy Reid of MSNBC told black Americans that they would “look real crazy” if they chose not to vote for Harris.

All they can sell Harris on, aside from the liberal sacrament of abortion, is race and gender.

“You’re gonna look real crazy being on the other side of that line, particularly as a person of color, but really as anyone who claims to have any connection to the culture,” the repellent Reid said in a tone of condescension.

Kamala continues to be DEI incarnate. What Kimberly Cheatle was to Secret Service directors, Harris would be to presidents.

Female gender does not count for Amy Coney Barrett, just as nonwhite race does not count even for a kook like Amber Rose, because absolute conformity to moonbattery is required to activate “oppressed” privilege.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 24 2024

Question for Dear Abby in 2024

These days, Dear Abby faces questions unlikely to come up in a healthy society:

My 25-year-old son lives with his two girlfriends, who are also romantically involved with each other. They share a single bedroom. One of them has a baby due this week, and the other has made noises about wanting a child.

I don’t approve of this arrangement and can’t see it ending well. …

My question: How do I deal with this threesome if they come stay at my house?

We haven’t reached end-stage moonbattery yet, because the answer wasn’t, “Move out and give them the house, you bigot.”

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jul 24 2024

That Was Awkward

It isn’t a pleasant job, but Democrat apparatchiks in the government and media have to do it. Resembling a desperate camper whose matches got wet, here is Chuck Schumer trying to ignite enthusiasm for Kamala Harris:

We have not seen crowds that psyched about a candidate since Jeb Bush:

What do you expect when you pull a switcheroo and overrule your own voters?

Even given their control of the media, Democrats will have to cheat like never before to stay in power. They were proactive to establish following 1/6/21 that objecting to a rigged election will not be tolerated.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 24 2024

Paris Olympic Dancers Threaten to Strike

The border wide open as the greatest invasion in human history pours across, nobody in charge at the White House, a cackling witch to the left of the communist Bernie Sanders threatening to become POTUS, as the Deep State declines to protect the leading opposition candidate from an assassination attempt — but Americans shouldn’t complain. France has got real problems.

No, not the epidemic of rape caused by demographic displacement:

That is dwarfed by the trauma of the dancers at the Paris Olympics going on strike:

With fists aloft in a Black Power-style salute, Paris Olympics dancers have staged a protest against “inequality and discrimination” while threatening to strike during the opening ceremony. …

Around 200 young men and women could be seen mimicking the hand gesture made by African-American athletes during the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City.

Trade unionists have even pledged to disrupt the Paralympics.

“We wanted to show our dissatisfaction,” said a spokesman for France’s Union of Performing Artists (SFA), who said members stopped dancing on Monday “for a few minutes”, with the pledge of more stoppages to come.

That ought to bring their exploiters to the table.

Here’s an idea for a new Olympic sport: see how far away you can throw a pie from and hit a black power-saluting useless moonbat in the face.

On tips from Steve T and seaoh.

Jul 24 2024

Biden/Harris Regime Hires Erotica the Drag Queen

Whether the figurehead is Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, we will be ruled by the same kind of people. Which kind? This kind:

A Democrat staffer, who recently announced on social media that he has joined the Biden-Harris campaign as a deputy press secretary, works as a “drag queen” on weekends…

Eric Lipka, who most recently worked in Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s, D-Mass., office before joining the Biden campaign, said he was “thrilled to share” that he has “joined the Biden-Harris campaign as deputy press secretary for Pennsylvania!” …

Lipka, who goes by the drag queen names “Erotica,” “Erica Lipka,” and “Erotica the Drag Queen” on social media, has several social media accounts on X, Facebook, and Instagram, but most of them were private as of Friday and then all of them were locked down shortly after Fox News Digital reached out to the Biden campaign for comment on Saturday afternoon.

But the Internet is written in indelible ink. His social media excretions have been brought to light:

In one Facebook post from January 2023, Lipka encouraged Facebook followers to “come get drunk and watch me slam my vagina into the floor”…

He’ll fit in great with Tyler Cherry, Rachel Levine, and the rest of the freak show constituting the Executive Branch under Democrat rule.

Personnel is policy, which helps explain why the USA went into precipitous decline when Biden/Harris took power.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and Barry A.

Jul 24 2024

Bloodthirsty TDS at Rutgers University

Considering what children in public schools are likely exposed to, imagine the level of Democrat indoctrination taking place at the college level. Tracy Budd provided a hint via Facebook:

A source provided Campus Reform with the Facebook posts, which were made by Rutgers University Writing Program Assistant Teaching Professor Tracy Budd in the hours after someone tried to assassinate Trump during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

”Let’s hope today’s events inspire others,” Budd said in one post.

No doubt they will. The unwillingness of the Secret Service to protect Trump was a declaration of open season.

Budd is also the editor of Dialogues@RU, an undergraduate research journal, “which teaches students the crucial skills of critical reading and thinking, scholarly research, synthesis, and analytic writing across the disciplines.”

They must mean “critical” in the “critical theory” sense.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 24 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jul 23 2024

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Ewa Zajączkowska

There is yet hope for Europe. We know because Poland’s Ewa Zajączkowska is a member of the European Parliament. Moonbat Bond villainess Ursula von der Leyen, the “center-right” (i.e., just short of all the way left) president of the European Commission, won’t sit down for a week after this:

On a tip from seaoh.

Jul 23 2024

Maniac on ATV Runs Over Elderly Trump Supporter

Unless Thomas Matthew Crooks was clueless even by moonbat standards, he could not have expected to survive his attempt to kill Trump, not even if the Deep State put him up to it. Not to worry, Democrats. There are plenty more kamikaze kooks where Crooks came from:

An elderly man in Hancock, Michigan … was putting up a yard sign supporting President Donald Trump around 5:45 p.m., when a suspect driving a Honda ATV drove onto the man’s yard and ran him over with the vehicle, the Hancock Police Department said in a press release. The driver reportedly began to pull out the yard signs, and when the victim tried to put them back in the ground, the driver ran him over.

The victim was taken to the hospital with serious injuries, including a brain bleed, and is reportedly still in critical condition.

The maniac is not in a position to benefit from bail reform:

The 22-year-old suspect, whose name has not been released to the media, was found dead Tuesday in a home in Quincy Township with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

Fervent anti-Trump types are not known for their mental health.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 23 2024

Demographic Displacement and Rape

One inevitable consequence of displacing the native population with the dregs of the Third World is rape. This can be seen from one side of the Atlantic

A young Australian tourist’s visit to Paris turned into a nightmare after she was gang raped by five men [Sunday]. Police have described her assailants as being “African type individuals.” …

French users on social media were not shocked to hear of the news, with many noting that Paris has experienced a spike in rapes coinciding with mass migration from Africa and the Middle East. …

In 2023 there were approximately 94,900 sexual offense recorded by the police across France, a significant increase when compared with the previous year when around 84,500 sexual offenses were reported to the authorities.

Recent statistics have revealed that 77% of rapes which occurred in the nation’s capital were committed by men with a foreign background.

to the other:

[The sanctuary city New York] has seen an alarming 11% jump in rapes this year — with some sections of the city seeing their numbers more than double. …

Christian Inga, a Venezuelan migrant who lived in Corona, was arrested for the rape of a 13-year-old girl at knifepoint…

The teen’s father … said the family has been in despair since the vicious attack. …

He … blamed President Biden’s disastrous open-border policy for allowing career criminals to easily enter the US.

Past generations would have defended their countries and their women. But now we are more enlightened. We have left xenophobia and toxic masculinity behind us — in favor of cultural genocide and rape.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and WDS 2.0.

Jul 23 2024

Possible Phone Link Between Crooks and FBI

Did the Democrat apparatchiks comprising the Deep State let the assassination attempt happen? Or did they make it happen? The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project opens an interesting avenue of enquiry:

A cell phone associated with the home and work addresses of would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks visited the Gallery Place building in Washington, D.C., that houses a mall and offices of the FBI, the Heritage Oversight Project reported July 22.

Apparently at least one person visited both Crooks and the Gallery Place, out of which FBI agents work.

Oversight Project leaders said they hope other experts in the fields of geo-location searches and criminal investigations will step forward to assist with their probe. The investigation was begun out of concern that the work of the FBI, Secret Service, and other federal law enforcement won’t be transparent or thorough.

That concern would be particularly well founded if it turns out that the Deep State recruited Crooks as a disposable pawn to kill Trump.

Such a suggestion would have been outrageous only recently. Nowadays it has to be taken seriously, given the “threat to democracy” hysteria prevailing among Democrats, the FBI’s practice of explicitly targeting Trump supporters, and the proven willingness of Deep Statists to interfere in elections in concert with the Biden campaign.

On tips from seaoh, Mr. Freemarket, and 100 Bravo.


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