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Jul 23 2024

At the Top of Public Schools

Any resistance to Democrat rule is an “existential threat to democracy and freedom.” You probably are not gullible enough to believe that on the say-so of the leftists running the media. But the next generation may grow up believing it, because leftists also run the schools.

Presenting Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, and consequently one of the most powerful figures in the Democratic Party, which uses teachers unions to launder vast sums of taxpayer money:

If that’s the level of fanaticism displayed to the public, imagine what goes on behind closed schoolroom doors. No wonder they oppose cameras in the classroom.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 23 2024

Autistic Child Abducted by Alphabet Mob

It would be difficult to overstate the evil liberals inflict on children in the name of LGBTism. Due to their particular vulnerability, autistic children are a favorite target:

A family from Maryland has accused the Children’s National Hospital of encouraging their autistic teenage son to identify as a “girl.” The biologically male child was then taken from his family’s care due to their refusal to “validate” his transition, and has now been placed in the home of the Hospital’s non-binary “chaplain,” who has connections to Assistant Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine.

The Biden Regime’s Richard “Rachel” Levine is a transvestite and an aggressive advocate of transsexualizing children.

The lawsuit, which was filed in March by Maryland couple John Doe II and his wife, states that their 16-year-old autistic son was admitted to the hospital after a suicide attempt in November 2021. Shortly after his admission, the parents allege that hospital staff began to insist their son was transgender, despite the boy never questioning his gender identity before his hospital stay.

As if any child would identify as transsexual without guidance.

According to a press release issued by Partners for Ethical Care, the suit claims that the hospital “intentionally set out on a … program to identify, critique and then rebuke the family’s professed religion… [and] to expressly require the parents to convert to the ‘new Christianity’ by engaging in faith-conversion sessions with the hand-selected [hospital] chaplain not of any of the Doe family’s faith, Lavender Kelley.”

Lavender Kelley also advocates transsexualizing children — even against the wishes of their parents.

The authorities expropriated the child and placed him in a dubious foster care situation. Unsurprisingly…

…after being tested for sexually transmitted diseases in the summer of 2022, the boy was once again hospitalized for a suicide attempt.

Evidently Lavender Kelley and “her partner” now have custody of the boy. They were photographed with “Admiral” Levine last year.

The children’s entertainment industry isn’t the only sector of society that has been infiltrated and subverted by liberals and consequently requires the attention of the Orkin Man.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 23 2024

Children’s Cartoonist Busted for Kiddie Porn

What kind of company would a perverted freak sexually focused on children want to work for? Ask Kyle Adam Carrozza:

A leftist children’s cartoonist who worked as an animator for Cartoon Network, Disney, Nickelodeon, and PBS Kids has been arrested on child sex crime charges in Burbank, California.

Kyle Adam Carrozza, 45, of Burbank, was taken into custody on June 20 and has been charged with two counts of possession of child pornography. He has been accused of possessing over 600 images of sexually explicit photographs or videos of children, court documents show.

A pedophile would be drawn to the ideology most likely to affirm him in his perversion and degeneracy — i.e., liberalism:

Carrozza deleted his social media accounts and took down his website. Archives of his posts show he is a leftist and a supporter of the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement.

Orkin should be called in to spray the children’s entertainment industry with a giant can of Raid.

On a tip from R F.

Jul 23 2024

Open Thread

The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. - Plato

On a tip from 100 Bravo.

Jul 22 2024

Liberals Literally Cry Over Biden Withdrawal

To judge by the reaction of some moonbats, the incompetent, corrupt, cognitively disabled Joe Biden getting chucked overboard by his own party because he had become a laughing stock is a tragedy:

Biden/Harris campaign co-chair Chris Coons showed up on CBS News red-faced and weeping, saying that the president had made a ‘difficult decision’.

Coons, who is also a senator for Delaware, sobbed as he looked off into the distance, took deep breaths, and tried to regain composure on national television.

CNN’s Van Jones was also emotional and teary-eyed on air while speaking about Biden’s decision to back out of the race

Here’s a still more absurd response:

Rachel Maddow gave viewers an emblazoned speech about how Biden’s decision is not what he would have truly wanted – instead it’s something he’s done for the good of the country.

What’s going on in the White House these days is anybody’s guess, but there is one thing we can be fairly sure of: dropping out was not Joe Biden’s decision.

More moonbat tears:

Love the nails.

On tips from WDS 2.0.

Jul 22 2024

Democrats Overrule Their Own Voters

Kamala is cackling like never before. The joke is on you, Democrat primary voters:

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jul 22 2024

Biden Not the Only Dem Taking ChiCom Cash

Don’t worry, Democrats. Even without the Big Guy, cash from our communist Chinese adversaries will continue to pour into your coffers:

Stella Li, CEO of BYD Americas, and BYD Americas itself have been major campaign donors to Democratic candidates and organizations in California and beyond over the past decade, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of federal and state political spending records.

Parent company BYD is based behind the Bamboo Curtain.

BYD Americas and Li gave more than $40,000 to the Democratic National Committee between 2020 and 2023…

Naturally they have also showered money specifically upon Joe Biden (>$30,000 for his failed 2024 campaign) — but Crooked Joe is not their only friend:

Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom received about $60,000 from Li and BYD USA between 2018 and 2023.

As for the ROI,

Newsom drew scrutiny for his administration’s decision to give BYD a $1 billion no-bid contract to supply protective equipment during the coronavirus pandemic despite the company’s core competence being in a different business…

Speaking of California corruptocrats,

Former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa received more than $10,000 from Li to help his failed 2018 gubernatorial campaign, while the California Democratic Party received approximately $19,000 from Li and BYD USA between 2018 and 2020…

Michael Anotovich, former chairman of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and an architect of California’s bullet train project, received more than $11,000 from BYD USA and its executives in 2015 and 2016 to help his political career…

Anotovich often governed in ways that benefited BYD, such as when he, along with Villaraigosa, steered millions of dollars from a Los Angeles municipal clean bus testing program toward BYD, the Los Angeles Times reported in 2018.

As we learned from Obama, when Democrats talk about green energy, they don’t mean green like leaves.

BYD also gave $25,000 to Californians For Safe, Reliable Infrastructure, which helped defeat a proposition to repeal a suffocating new 12¢/gallon gasoline tax. Like their Democratic Party partners, the ChiComs do not mean us well.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 22 2024

Cardinals Tip Their Hat to Trump

I haven’t watched a baseball game since I saw my home team Diamondbacks kneel in worship of Black Lives Matter lowlifes as they were looting stores and defacing statues of the Founding Fathers. But maybe the climate is changing:

Fight! Fight! Fight!

On a tip from Eddie_Valiant.

Jul 22 2024

First Michelle Obama Campaign Ad

Biden was not shoved aside because he is senile, which has been common knowledge for years. They threw him overboard because he had become a laughing stock, making him unelectable.

Kamala Harris is also a laughing stock. This is why key Democrats have withheld their endorsement despite her DEI qualifications, including the four most powerful, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, and Nancy Pelosi.

Not only are anti-Kamala ads already out there, so are ads supporting her possible replacement:

On a tip from seaoh.

Jul 22 2024

Anti-Kamala Ads Already Out

It’s easy to switch focus when you are actually still focusing on the same enemy:

Kamala Harris owns all things Biden. That’s like swimming with a millstone around her neck — and Ms. DEI Incarnate is not a strong swimmer.

On tips from Jester and seaoh.

Jul 22 2024

Rosie O’Donnell Admits She Is Completely Bonkers

The disgraceful and overextended political career of Joe Biden is finally dead, even if he is still ostensibly president of the USA. But moonbats can console themselves that surprisingly enough, Rosie O’Donnell is still alive.

Even Rosie can see the iceberg the liberal establishment she personifies is headed toward. Tragically, her therapist has been unable to console her over the possibility that leftists may not get their way in November:

It is a mystery how even the most delusional liberals manage to convince themselves that we will have an “authoritarian dictatorship” if the power of the Party of Government is curtailed. In Rosie’s case, it may be because she has driven herself “completely bonkers,” as she admits above. Evidently Trump’s joke about fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals caused lasting damage.

On tips from Wiggins and seaoh.

Jul 22 2024

Green Odyssey Ends in Death

Ecorighteous posturing is all fun and games — until someone gets killed:

Brett Clibbery and Sarah Packwood were found after their raft washed ashore on Sable Island, around 108 miles southeast of mainland Nova Scotia…

Despite having different names, they were married. They had abandoned their yacht for the life raft for unknown reasons.

They dubbed their latest adventure the green odyssey, a nod to the yacht being powered by a battery from an electric Nissan Leaf car and six solar panels.

Prior to the ill-fated adventure, Clibbery proclaimed:

“We’re doing everything we can to show that you can travel without burning fossil fuels.”

You can. But why would you want to?

Some experts said the addition of the solar panels and battery pack will have added weight to the yacht and made it potentially unstable. There were also fears that salt water may have led to the lithium battery pack being corroded and catching fire.

Best not to rely on EV batteries and solar energy.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 22 2024

Why Syrians in Germany Don’t Have to Pay

They call it “immigration” rather than “conquest.” But Europe’s replacement population knows better.

Via Allah’s Willing Executioners:

A particularly brazen shoplifting incident occurred in Thuringia [Germany] on Saturday. A 27-year-old Syrian man entered a petrol station in Oberroßla, a district of the town of Apolda…

He determinedly demanded a packet of cigarettes, a lighter and an energy drink from the sales staff…

Then he left without paying for them.

[H]e is an Arab and does not have to pay anything, the man explained.

That’s the idea of colonizing degenerate welfare states like Germany. The colonized pay for everything, the colonizers for nothing.

Jul 22 2024

Open Thread

I'm one of the luckiest people on Earth. - Kamala Harris


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