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Jul 09 2024

Plan to Help Sundowning Biden in Second Debate

More than 2 years ago, Joe Biden was already a no-show for a meeting with a major foreign leader presumably due to sundowner syndrome:

German officials, aware of Biden’s fatigue at night, sought to accommodate the president by planning a June 2022 event with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the early evening.

The informal event, a soiree at the Alpine resort Schloss Elmau during the Group of Seven summit, was arranged as a confidential meeting on Ukraine in a relaxed setting. Biden didn’t show, surprising the chancellor and his aides, officials said. Instead, Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived and announced that Biden had to go to bed, according to two people who were there.

At the rate Biden’s brain has been decaying, the second debate in September promises to be cringe-inducing, especially considering it is scheduled to take place in prime time, when a massive blast of pharmaceutical stimulation will be required to prevent Creepy Joe from sundowning.

Democrat apparatchiks in the media are increasingly desperate. MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell makes the case that Biden should be allowed to have Blinken, Hunter, “Dr.” Jill, and other advisors/handlers on the stage with him for the next debate:

This would be the equivalent of Gen Zers bringing their parents along to speak for them on jobs interviews.

On tips from Lyle and Varla.


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