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Aug 18 2022

Planned Parenthood to Spend Big on Midterms

There is great news for pregnant persons of every imaginable gender who want to kill their babies. Like Fakebook, Planned Parenthood will place a thumb on the scale in the upcoming midterms:

Planned Parenthood announced on Wednesday that it will spend $50 million in the midterm elections.

This comes in response to the Supreme Court admitting that there is no constitutional right to commit abortion, leaving the matter for the states to decide.

As many states tighten regulations on abortion, Planned Parenthood executives are seeking to change the outcome of state and federal elections on behalf of “pregnant people” — a term used by activists as a nod to individuals identifying as transgender.

These militant moonbats cannot grasp the basics of morality, but as charter members of the Swamp, they understand politics well:

“This is an election about power and control,” Planned Parenthood Votes Executive Director Jenny Lawson said in a statement.

Another thing they understand is how to run up a body count to make a socialist dictator like Stalin or Hitler proud:

Planned Parenthood conducted 354,871 “abortion procedures” between October 2018 and September 2019, according to the group’s most recent annual report, amounting to 972 abortions per day and 41 abortions per hour across the United States.

If they would do that to guiltless babies, imagine what they would like to do to racists, sexists, transphobes, et alia. But they do not yet have that much power and control.

Earlier this year, Planned Parenthood was joined by NARAL Pro-Choice America and EMILY’s List in announcing a $150 million midterm spending initiative. … [T]he organizations argued that the funds would help African Americans and Hispanics, who are particularly subject to “systemic barriers and abortion restrictions.”

Good thing they are leftists. Otherwise, it would be racist for them to promote the mass killing of black babies.

Planned Parenthood and other abortion groups are handed $billions in taxpayer money by Democrats. Here, we see how our money is laundered through moonbat ideology and funneled into the campaign coffers of those same Democrats.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.


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