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Nov 25 2022

Poetic Justice Is Harsh for Pro-Criminal Activist

It isn’t always pleasant to see people get what they asked for, especially when it costs them their lives. But then, moonbats don’t ask for violence for themselves. They ask to have it inflicted on others. When what goes around comes around, it no doubt catches them by surprise:

Kelvin Blowe was shot and killed in Washington, D.C., on the same day the city council voted unanimously to pass a bill he advocated for that reduces penalties for serious offenses such as robbery, burglary, carjackings, and carrying a firearm without a license.

The Washington Post reports Blowe had spent over five years in prison for robbery, and the experience “instilled in him a passion to right inequities he believed he encountered.”

After getting out, he joined DC Justice Lab, one of the groups that pushed to overhaul the city’s criminal code.

Liberal criminal reform of this type, driven by Black Lives Matter/Critical Race Theory ideology, has been the main cause of the recent explosion in violent crime.

Rather than learn from these experiences, moonbats double down on their moonbattery. Barks Patrice Sulton, a civil rights lawyer and executive director of DC Justice Lab,

“He dedicated himself to preventing the exact kind of harm that befell him.”

As with everything else moonbats disgorge from their maws, that is not just wrong; it is the diametric opposite of the truth.

“The bill passed earlier this week, reduces the mandatory minimum sentences, which are already lenient for gun offenders [and] felons in possession of illegal guns,” D.C. Police Union Chief Shop Steward Adam Shaatal said in reaction to the news.

As Jazz Shaw notes,

It probably shouldn’t come as a surprise that the City Council waited until after the election to pass this mess. The murder rate in Washington this year has already reached a fifteen-year high. Passing a law designed to put more criminals out on the street more quickly just before an election might have cost some Democrats on the City Council their jobs. But now that the election is behind us, it would appear that everything is going back to business as usual in the Capitol region. Sadly, “business as usual” cost Kelvin Blowe his life.

Those grieving Blowe can console themselves that he did not die in vain. The Democrat Party/liberal media will exploit his death as an argument to disarm law-abiding citizens, leaving us even more at the mercy of criminals, who will of course remain heavily armed. This only sounds insane to the sane; to liberals, it makes sense.

On tips from R F, KirklesWorth, Bluto, Varla, and Anonymous.


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2 Responses to “Poetic Justice Is Harsh for Pro-Criminal Activist”

  1. […] Moonbattery- When will the pro-criminal folks wake up? […]

  2. […] The BBC exists mainly to advance the cause of leftist Big Government. Poetic justice can be harsh. […]


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