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Feb 23 2022

Portraits in Democrat Leadership: Abby Broyles

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was yesterday’s Future of the Democratic Party. Time moves on. Now there is a new one — Abby Broyles:

A Valentine’s Day weekend sleepover party for tween girls that included watching the film Titanic turned bizarre and tearful after parents say Oklahoma 5th Congressional District candidate Abby Broyles allegedly became drunk and berated some of the children in attendance.

A friend of Broyles hosted the party. The eight girls were ages 12 and 13.

Broyles became intoxicated and spoke derogatorily to some of the girls. She allegedly called one girl an “acne f***er,” which prompted the girl to leave the room in tears. Broyles allegedly called another girl a “Hispanic f***er” and another a “judgy f***er.”

At one point, Broyles allegedly vomited into a laundry basket and onto one girl’s shoes.

Broyles initially denied that she was even there, and threatened NonDoc for reporting her behavior. However, there were so many witnesses, she switched to blaming alcohol and her medications.

At this point, the Democratic Party is ready for Abby Broyles. Oklahoma voters might not be though.

On a tip from Jack Bauer.


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