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Jul 16 2021

Pregnant Man/Overate Emoji

Since moonbattery is a totalitarian ideology, woke propaganda comes at us via every conceivable means of communication — even emojis:

Several gender-inclusive and non-binary images — including one titled Pregnant Man — could be released for smartphone use in September, according to

One that looks fit for the Arnold Schwarzenegger flick “Junior” shows a mustachioed man clutching his baby bump and squinting.

The pregnant man emoji is of course racially diverse:

It comes in medium to dark skin tones, along with a similar facial-hairless emoji, dubbed “Pregnant Person.”

The liberal establishment does everything imaginable to validate and normalize its grotesque social engineering, in the hope that young people will grow up believing this contrived freak show we live in is healthy and natural.

At least the emoji will be useful for guys who want to communicate that they ate too much and need the bathroom.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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