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Jan 14 2025

Queer Womanist Preaching

Militant lesbianism is an efficient wrecking ball. What it did to the Los Angeles Fire Department through people like Kristin Crowley and Kristine Larson, it might do to Christianity through institutions like the Chicago Theological Seminary, which is offering a course entitled “Queer Womanist Preaching.”

“Womanist” is like “feminist” but even woker, as it emphasizes intersectionality with other preferred traits, such as predilection to sexual perversion and nonwhite race.

Via Campus Reform:

The seminary is associated with the United Church of Christ, a self-identified theologically liberal Protestant Church. The Church has been recognizing same-sex marriages since 2005.

No doubt graduates of the Chicago Theological Seminary would be able to explain how it qualifies as a Christian church despite endorsing blasphemy.

According to the Association of Chicago Theological Schools, the Queer Womanist Preaching class “will expose students to the queering of religious concepts such as redemption and salvation that create a decolonized preaching experience that centers the lived experiences of Black, queer women.”

The course will be ascribed to Bishop Yvette Flunder’s “preaching method” as “an example of a sermonic method of a queer, womanist preacher.” Flunder is a self-identified lesbian married woman who leads the Fellowship of Affirming Ministries, also associated with the United Church of Christ.

Here’s a taste of Bishop Yvette Flunder, who wants sin out of the closet and into your face:

Anti-Christians could just bulldoze churches and seminaries, rather than using them to defile Christianity. But what fun would that be?

On a tip from Steve T.


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One Response to “Queer Womanist Preaching”

  1. […] onto nudism is better than hollowing it out and replacing the contents with LGBTism (see e.g. here, here, and […]


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