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Sep 12 2021

Republican Suggests Canceling Lincoln

It started with intolerant moonbats tearing down statues of Robert E. Lee because he personifies the South. Already it has reached the point of a Republican politician suggesting we should cancel Abraham Lincoln for being “reprehensible.”

If Democrats would cancel Andrew Jackson, why wouldn’t Republicans cancel Lincoln?

Despite characterizing his own reprehensible remarks as “mostly sarcastic,” Missouri state representative Tony Lovasco holds his ground:

“It’s unfortunate how many people think saying ‘Lincoln was reprehensible’ equals some kind of support for the Confederacy, especially given the context of my tweet. It’s quite possible to point out that neither Lincoln nor Lee where [sic] good people deserving honor.”

On the contrary, both Lee and Lincoln were great men. In contrast, Lovasco is a termite, helping progressives to eat away at the foundations of our nation.

Lovasco barks that…

“…while Lee may have been a terrible person (and should be condemned as such), Lincoln was no hero.”

Lee has been admired for going on 2 centuries for being a great man. His retroactive sin was fighting for his home Virginia, which he did for honorable reasons.

Lincoln too defended his country as best he knew how, earning a denunciation from Lovasco for being “responsible for the needless deaths of thousands of people, including large numbers of Native Americans.”

Because of honorable men like Lee and Lincoln, America survived the Civil War and became united again. Without some grace on both sides, a guerilla war might have dragged on for generations. Because honorable men are no longer prevalent in our society, the country is becoming unmoored from its history and torn apart again.

How moonbats treat Lincoln.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.


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