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Sep 27 2021

Revolt Against Moonbattery in NYC Subway

Even in a leftist cesspool like New York City, there are decent people who are sick of the liberal establishment ramming degeneracy and depravity down our throats. This woman deserves to be remembered as the Rosa Parks of countermoonbattery:

Regarding the obscene garbage this heroine tore down as other passengers voiced support, Western Journal has background:

The colorful posters are part of an ongoing subway marketing campaign launched three years ago by the online dating site OkCupid.

A prior OkCupid campaign in the NYC subways promoted the DTF lifestyle. DTF stands for “down to f***.”

The ads promote not only degeneracy but moonbattery in general:

In the latest iteration, other posters suggest that people who are pro-vaccine, gay or climate alarmists are sexually desirable.

In addition to promoting promiscuity, the OkCupid ads also champion abortion and suggest that left-wing men are preferable to conservatives.

These leftist messages are promoted in a quasi-pornographic manner.

If Democrat street thugs can tear down statues of American heroes throughout the country, a countermoonbat can tear down a few propaganda posters. Kudos to her.

On a tip from Greg O.


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