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Jun 19 2024

Seattle Recruits Illegal Alien Police Officers

Could moonbattery-addled Seattle possibly get any more dysfunctional? Sure it could — by staffing the defunded, demonized, and demoralized police with illegal aliens:

Faced with an unprecedented shortage of officers, the Seattle Police Department (SPD) is actively recruiting recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival Status (DACA) to become cops.

The officer shortage was caused by Democrats’ war on police following George Floyd’s fentanyl overdose. DACA recipients are illegal aliens who were underage when they entered the country.

Undocumented Democrats will get hiring preference over Americans, if only because they are more likely to be fluent in a foreign language, but also because of DEI:

In a March 2023 memo to SPD human resources staff titled “SPD Marketing More and Less,” [Ben] Dalgetty [of the Mayor’s Office] asked for “less” images and videos of “officers who are white, male,” and “officers with military bearing.” In their place, Dalgetty asked for more “officers of color,” “officers of different genders,” and “officers who are younger.” And rather than reach as many possible applicants as possible, the strategy was to hyper-target black, Hispanic and Asian Seattleites with early marketing efforts.

If you are a normal white guy in the country legally, you are less welcome than others on the SPD. Making this explicit will not help recruit the best candidates.

Seattle isn’t breaking new ground. The poison killing the entire West Coast seeps north from California:

Earlier in the year, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) made the same move. They even altered its written firearms policy to allow DACA cops to carry a firearm while off-duty.

People who are breaking the law just by being here will be in charge of enforcing the law on American citizens at gunpoint. What could go wrong?

On tips from Htos1av and Franco.


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