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Nov 27 2024

Singer Keith Caputo Will Go Back to Being Male

Moonbat social engineers canceled the gender binary in favor of a spectrum of deviance and abnormality. But singer Keith Caputo must not have gotten the memo, because he switches back and forth:

Mina Caputo, the lead singer for rock band Life of Agony, announced on Instagram recently [that he] plans to “de-transition” and live life as a man again.

In a lengthy video shared there, Mina announced that along with the process, she [sic] is reclaiming her [sic] original name, Keith, and will be Keith Caputo moving forward.

At least he has his ego to sustain him through his life of self-inflicted agony:

“I’m very proud of myself,” Caputo [boasted]. … “Life’s about change. Life is about creating change. And I am one of the greatest alchemists I know and manifestors that I know. And, man, have I been manifesting peace of mind like no other and peace of heart and peace of soul.”

Caputo came out publicly as transgender back in 2011. It will be hard work, changing the chromosomes of every cell in his body back to XY.

At least he seems to understand now that men can’t really become women. He is still pretty creepy though:

Maybe rock musicians don’t make the best role models for youth.

On a tip from Steve T.


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