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Oct 02 2024

The “Blossoming” of America’s Ruin

Despite presiding over the largest invasion in human history, Alejandro Mayorkas has evaded not only conviction for treason but even impeachment. If he hasn’t smoked a cigarette while wearing a blindfold by now, he probably never will, so he feels he can indulge in insolence. Regarding the displacement of the population of Springfield, Ohio with illegitimate immigrants from Haiti, he jeers that the ruined town “has blossomed by reason of the infusion of individuals from another country.”

Though it was the clear reference, Mayorkas didn’t refer to Springfield by name. Why should he? Under the policy he is implementing on behalf of the Biden/Harris administration, other towns already share the same fate.

Breitbart reports:

Mayorkas provided his callous “blossomed” comment during a September 30 talk with pro-migration leaders at Georgetown University.

When Democrats screech that it is Trump’s fault the border is out of control, they are giving him credit for killing a bill Mayorkas praises:

Mayorkas praised the Senate leadership’s giveaway immigration bill that was voted down by both Republicans and Democrats, and he also called for more amnesties of illegal migrants. “I think the bipartisan Senate bill was an important step … it is certainly not where I would end — I would like to see paths to citizenship legislated,” he said, without mentioning his central role in drafting the bill behind closed doors.

The thankfully defeated “bipartisan” bill is still championed by leftists who want the border to remain open. They use it to support their preposterous assertion that it is Republicans who are destroying the country through mass immigration.

Mayorkas has repeatedly explained that he supports more migration because of his migrant parents, his sympathy for migrants, and his support for “equity” between Americans and foreigners.

If you have something you and your ancestors built, but people in other countries don’t have it, that is a violation of equity. If the government takes it away from you and gives it to them, that’s equity.

Tremont City, Ohio Police Chief Chad Duncan describes what Mayorkas means by “blossoming”:

More blossoming:

Under Democrat rule as personified by Alejandro Mayorkas, the American government is hostile to the American people.

On tips from Wiggins, Mr. Freemarket, WDS 2.0, and Dr. Kufi Tutite.


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