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Jun 22 2021

Underwear Inspired by George Floyd

With liberals ascendant, every aspect of the world around you will be politicized, right down to your underwear. If the repellent Megan Rapinoe replacing Adriana Lima at Victoria’s Secret doesn’t convince recalcitrant countermoonbats that resistance is futile, maybe Marks and Spencer underwear inspired by George Floyd will do the job:

The chain has expanded its collection of neutral or nude-coloured underwear so it comes in five shades designed for different skin tones instead of focusing on lighter hues.

M&S – the UK’s biggest bra and knickers retailer – said the range was partly inspired by ‘the global conversation on racial inequality following the horrific death’ of Mr Floyd in Minneapolis, US, last year.

They don’t make horrific deaths like they did back in the days of crucifixion, impalement, drawing and quartering, et cetera. If Floyd’s demise was so nightmarish, why do his fellow lowlifes keep taking fentanyl?

M&S’s political correctness goes beyond the Black Lives Matter pandering we have come to expect from virtually every corporation:

The retailer is also trying to improve its lingerie range with a collection of post-surgery bras for women who have had a mastectomy and by using ‘representative models’.

By “representative,” they mean “physically unappealing.” At least we no longer have to worry about adolescent boys thinking impure thoughts as they leer at ads for ladies’ underwear. More likely, they will become horrified into a life of abstinence.

Paul Joseph Watson weighs in on this latest “cynical marketing ploy to attract free media advertising by pandering to woke imbeciles”:

On tips from Wiggins and KirklesWorth.


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