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Jan 19 2025

Using Newspeak Dictionary to Eradicate Christianity

The sort of moonbats who run Britain find Christianity “offensive.” Consequently, Sutton Council has erased the term “Christian name” from the Newspeak Dictionary.

Via Modernity:

A council in South London has instructed staff to stop using the term ‘Christian name’ and instead use ‘forename’, reasoning that it could offend some people.

We used to think of tyrants as hard cases. These days, tyranny is imposed by faceless legions of squishy-soft mollusks who bully under the banner of hypersensitivity:

The [council’s inclusive language] guide states that use of “incorrect” or “outdated” language can “perpetuate, contribute to, or cause bias, prejudice and discrimination” in addition to “hurt and offence when discussing other personal attributes”.

The morpheme “man” is also deemed problematic:

[The guide] asks that gendered language be avoided, for example “workforce” should be used rather than “manpower” and “chair” should be used instead of “chairman”.

Almost as dangerous as gendered language are ageist terms:

It also encourages workers to “actively avoid ageist terms such as ‘elderly’, ‘OAPs’, ‘pensioners’ or ‘youngsters’” and to steer clear of age-specific terms such as “mature workforce” or “young and vibrant team”.

Fundamental to leftism is the postmodern notion that those in charge can recreate reality according to their specifications by controlling language. In the artificial world social engineers are trying to impose, we are all the same age and of indeterminate gender. Christianity does not exist.

On a tip from Dennis G.


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