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Mar 17 2021

Wall Street Journal Bans Term “Illegal Immigrant”

The warning bears repeating: when reading the Wall Street Journal, do not venture far from the editorial page, or you will find yourself awash in moonbattery. Currently we are experiencing a crisis at the border, Biden’s unconscionably irresponsible and arguably treasonous invitation to the Third World having produced an unprecedented tsunami of grasping invaders. These numberless illegal immigrants will be referred to using politically correct euphemisms by WSJ, which has banned reporters from using the term “illegal immigrant.”

Via Breitbart, where plain language is still permitted:

[I]n an update its style guide, the Journal states that while it will allow reporters to continue using the term “illegal immigration” to describe the process of illegal aliens arriving and staying in the U.S., it will no longer permit reporters to describe individuals as “illegal” or “illegal immigrant” in an effort to stop “labeling people.”

It follows that they won’t refer to doctors as “doctors.” They won’t refer to Americans as “Americans.” They won’t refer to Democrats as “Democrats.” That would be labeling people.

Instead of “illegal immigrant,” WSJ reporters are supposed to use unwieldy terms like “immigrants who entered the country illegally” or “people lacking permanent legal status.” Political correctness does not facilitate succinct writing.

Even the euphemisms “undocumented immigrants” and “unauthorized immigrants” are now banned by WSJ. Euphemisms are no longer euphemisms once everyone knows what they really mean. That’s why liberals now say “choice” instead of the former euphemism “abortion.”

WSJ is not alone in its campaign to rid the Newspeak Dictionary of words that might lead us astray into thoughtcrime regarding illegal immigrants. For example,

In 2013, as Breitbart News reported at the time, the Associated Press (AP) banned its reporters from using the term “illegal immigrant” and “illegal” to describe illegal aliens.

Most recently, President Joe Biden’s administration has banned the use of the terms “illegal alien” and “assimilation” and has instead blanketed all foreign nationals in the U.S. as “noncitizens” and “undocumented noncitizens.”

If FDR had shown comparable leadership, he would have banned use of the word “Japanese” after Pearl Harbor.

Deletions from the Newspeak Dictionary will find their way into law:

House Democrats filed legislation in January to ban the use of the term “illegal alien” and “alien” in federal law and documents.

The next step is federal criminal prosecution for infractions against the Newspeak Dictionary. Already, you can be fined $250,000 per offense for calling an illegal alien an “illegal alien” in the moonbat dystopia New York City.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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