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Aug 22 2020

What the MSM Was Afraid to Tell You

Liz Wheeler sums up what people should have heard from the mainstream media during the week but probably didn’t:

• A Texas judge has ruled James Younger will be transformed into a girl named Luna despite his father’s objections.

• Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith pleads guilty to altering evidence for the Russia hoax.

• Neil Ferguson, prominent advocate of maintaining lockdowns for COVID-19, has a financial conflict of interest.

• The usually left-wing Ninth Circuit admitted that California’s ban on “high-capacity” magazines violates the Second Amendment.

• It appears that a large proportion of the population has preexisting immunity to COVID-19.

Here is more relevant information in under 5 minutes than you can get in 5 days of watching the alphabet networks:

On a tip from KirklesWorth.


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