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Sep 03 2022

Who the Fascists Are

The Biden Administration has employed hyperdivisive rhetoric and Leni Riefenstahl theatrics to drive home the absurd lie that the 62% of Americans who buck the liberal establishment by not approving of what Biden has been doing to the country are fascists who reject the American system of government in favor of authoritarianism. Biden croaks that patriotic Americans are “semifascist.” Ron DeSantis data analyst Kyle Lamb has posted a Twitter thread that documents who the fascists are. Highlights:

The Biden admin empowered OSHA to issue a rule through executive fiat forcing all employees of businesses >100 people to consent to forced testing and vaccinations. SCOTUS ruled they had no such authority.

The Biden admin used junk science by the CDC to claim they had the authority to suspend all evictions in the United States. Joe Biden even admitted Constitutional scholars doubted their authority. They did it anyhow. SCOTUS ruled, that indeed, they had no such authority.

Public records requests have confirmed that several agencies of the United States government have collaborated with and applied pressure to social media platforms to censor U.S. citizens. This is a violation of free speech and is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

More on the fascistic collusion between the Biden Regime and Big Tech to impose political censorship here.

Biden’s latest debt forgiveness plan is by executive fiat through authority he doesn’t have. Their own legal team is citing an irrelevant 2003 statute that applies to former military members. Even Slate acknowledges this will be shot down by courts.

White House staff and the U.S. Department of Education were found to be complicit in an NSBA letter that referred to concerned parents as “domestic terrorists.” DOJ then mobilized and weaponized the FBI to target these parents…

More on the DoJ/FBI campaign to terrorize parents who don’t want their kids transsexualized, indoctrinated in race hate, or forced to suffocate behind pointless Covid muzzles can be found here and here.

Biden’s USDA threatened to withhold funding from the school lunch program to schools who didn’t enforce such policies as boys competing in girls sports and boys using girls’ bathrooms.

More on Biden using food as a weapon to impose sexual depravity on children here.

This past week, the President of the United States threatened the use of F-15s against American citizens in a theoretical conflict.

More here.

Biden and the Democrats have weaponized the IRS with 87,000 new agents to target American middle and lower income citizens. These people are already 5x more likely to be audited than wealthy Americans.

After the White House initially criticized Florida for its use of monoclonal antibodies as a treatment against COVID-19, once everyone realized they were effective, they then cut FL’s supply putting more people at immediate risk so they could ration them for later.

Florida is regarded as a rebel province by the regime because it did not impose Covid tyranny with sufficient fanaticism, thereby proving that draconian measures were unnecessary.

The Department of Education rewarded rogue school boards that flaunted state law by reimbursing their districts who had funding withheld for their non-compliance. The Feds encouraged districts to violate state law.

There’s more, backed up with links, graphics, and videos. Click through for a display of fascism like nothing we have seen since before Mussolini got his head kicked.

On a tip from Anonymous.


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