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May 15 2024

Maniac Who Sprayed Street With Gunfire Set Loose

The reason violent scumbags behave as if there were no law is that for them, there isn’t:

Judge Lloyd U. Nolan Jr., a self-described ‘woke’ magistrate judge on the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, ruled that Amonte Moody, 18, be released on bail ahead of his trial.

The 18-year-old allegedly peppered a street with 26 rounds while targeting a car of four people at 2:30am on April 22, with Ring doorbell footage capturing a suspect shooting wildly from the hip with the assault rifle.

Nobody was injured or killed in the shooting spree, which unfolded just over a mile from the US Capitol.

In his defense, Moody is, like the judge, a person of preferred pigmentation.

Anyone he kills will get blood on Nolan’s robe.

Meanwhile, the leading presidential candidate is perpetually on trial for nothing in particular. Authorities would like nothing more than to throw him in prison where Amonte Moody belongs. The state of affairs under liberal rule is called “anarchotyranny.”

On a tip from R F.


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3 Responses to “Maniac Who Sprayed Street With Gunfire Set Loose”

  1. […] DAs were hoping to give him a chance to go through with it. He might still, if a judge like Lloyd U. Nolan Jr. lets him […]

  2. […] DAs were hoping to give him a chance to go through with it. He might still, if a judge like Lloyd U. Nolan Jr. lets him […]


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