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Jan 19 2025

$89 Billion to Teach Kids Pernicious Rot in New York

New York City public schools are implementing a black studies curriculum called the Education Equity Action Plan, from pre-K to 12th grade, mandatory for all students in the USA’s largest school system. Jared Taylor is unimpressed regarding the effect the action plan is likely to have on test scores:

Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) must be happy about the pre-K lesson devoted to Juneteenth, the federal holiday he created in obeisance to Black Lives Matter race rioters.

Taxpayers are forced to pay for this toxic cultural Marxist BS through the teeth:

New York’s lavish pay, pension and health care plans pushed for by powerful teachers’ unions helped ramp up spending on school districts to a staggering $89 billion

For $89 billion, imagine how many cans of Raid you could buy. You might even have enough to clean out New York’s educracy, if not the teachers unions.

Teachers in New York State — who are not required to achieve basic literacy because that would be racist — make $92,696 per year on average for what is effectively a part-time job. This is a form of looting as surely as the mostly peaceful protests effectively advocated by John Cornyn.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and seaoh.


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