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Category: Censorship

Jul 19 2024

Never Too Young to Be Punished for Thoughtcrime

Some children come out of public schools unable to read and write; others don’t get through the first grade without learning about totalitarianism:

A California 7-year-old was banned from drawing pictures at school and forced to sit out recess for two weeks for adding “any life” below Black Lives Matter on a picture she drew and gave to a Black friend, punishments that led to a federal lawsuit.

No one disputes what happened at Viejo Elementary School in Orange County:

The student, identified as B.B., drew the picture, which also included four colored-in ovals representing herself and three friends, after a lesson on Martin Luther King, Jr., and gave it to her friend, M.C., who took it home, where her mother saw it.

It is considered racist to suggest that all lives matter. M.C.’s mother complained to authorities.

The principal confronted B.B. and told her the drawing was “inappropriate” and “racist” and that she couldn’t draw at school anymore and had to apologize to her friend. When she returned to class, her teachers told her she was not allowed to play at recess for two weeks.

B.B.’s mother sued.

U.S. Central District Court Judge David Carter acknowledged that M.C.’s parents didn’t want B.B. punished and that neither student understood why B.B. was apologizing.

“Undoubtedly, B.B.’s intentions were innocent,” Carter said in ruling for the district. “B.B. testified that she gifted the Drawing to M.C. to make her feel comfortable after her class learned about Martin Luther King Jr.”

Yet Carter came down on the side of the thought police, on the grounds that “an elementary school … is not a marketplace of ideas.”

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Jun 21 2024

Forcing Doctors to Inform on Microaggressors

“Snitches give stitches,” as Jonathan Turley puts it. Doctors in Oregon may soon risk losing their medical license not only for committing trivial thought crimes (a.k.a. “microaggressions”) but for failing to report them.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

The state’s medical board is in the process of shoehorning “microaggressions”—innocently intentioned behaviors interpreted by women or minorities to be subliminal communications of bias—into its definition of “unprofessional conduct,” according to the proposed rule, which the board unveiled in April.

This will not improve the quality of healthcare. As former University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine associate dean Stanley Goldfarb of the countermoonbat medical group Do No Harm observes,

“If [doctors] believe that they can be sanctioned because they deliver bad news or make a comment that the patient misinterprets, this will lead to a chilling effect on speech and ultimately lead to deterioration in the patient-physician relationship.”

A poisoned patient–physician relationship and CYA as an approach to medicine are already problems due to lawsuit abuse. They will now get worse.

Here’s how easy it is to commit a microaggression:

“America is the land of opportunity.” “I believe the most qualified person should get the job.” “America is a melting pot.” Those are examples of harmful “microaggressions,” according to Columbia professor Derald Wing Sue, lauded by Oregon’s state government as a “microaggressions expert.” […]

In its 2021 “DEI Action Plan,” for example, the Oregon Department of Administrative Services said posing the question, “How did you get your job?” to a minority constitutes a “racial microaggression.”

Other sentiments designated by Sue as microaggressions include “Everyone can succeed if they just work hard enough” and “There is only one race, the human race.”

As a rule of thumb, if Joy Reid would not bob her head in agreement, then don’t say it, because it is a microaggression.

We have passed the point where it is sufficient never to say anything a radical leftist would dispute. Doctors will be required to actively participate in imposing tyranny. Turley notes that under the proposed rule,

“a licensee must report within 10 business days to the Board any information that appears to show that a licensee is or may be medically incompetent or is or may be guilty of unprofessional or dishonorable conduct or is or may be a licensee with a physical incapacity.”

Committing a microaggression would officially qualify as “unprofessional or dishonorable conduct.” Those who fail to report microaggressing colleagues to the Stasi might also lose their licenses.

That’s the kind of country liberals are turning this into.

On tips from seaoh and R F.

May 26 2024

Fined for Silent Thoughtcrime in UK

Under absolute tyranny, thoughtcrime is literally crime — even if it goes unexpressed. From formerly great Britain:

Sebastian Vaughan-Spruce, a 44-year-old landscape gardener and pro-life activist, was fined on May 16 in Birmingham, England over suspicion of his silent thoughts in violation of the “buffer zone” regulations enforced by local authorities…

He carried no sign and remained completely silent until approached by officers, in which he clarified he was not praying silently in his head.

Yes, but can he prove he wasn’t praying silently?

When he asked officers what his alleged crime was, they asked him to move elsewhere.

Vaughan-Spruce knows perfectly well what his ongoing crime is:

“Others were present there at the same time, yet I was singled out because of the beliefs I happen to hold,” he said.

Being known to respect the sanctity of innocent human life makes him subject to a PSPO:

The so-called “buffer zones” are part of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) implemented by Birmingham authorities, which criminalizes individuals perceived to be “engaging in any act of approval or disapproval or attempted act of approval or disapproval” in relation to abortion, including through “verbal or written means, prayer or counseling,” the press release states.

But if you want to shriek at the top of your lungs in support of Hamas terrorists, have at it.

He isn’t the first Vaughan-Spruce to run afoul of the Thought Police:

After a six-month investigation, police in England decided not to bring charges against Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, the director of the UK March for Life and sister of Sebastian Vaughan-Spruce. Ms. Vaughan-Spruce had told police she “might” be praying silently when they asked why she was standing on a public street near an abortion facility that was included in a PSPO.

It isn’t necessary to follow through on charges and find thought criminals guilty. The process is the punishment.

To ensure that authorities do not suspect you of forbidden thoughts, it would be prudent to loudly advocate abortion, sexual depravity, mass Third World immigration, and the rest of the leftist agenda at every opportunity.

Soft tyranny is still tyranny.

On a tip from Anonymous.

May 05 2024

See the Ad Google Doesn’t Want You to See

The moonbats staffing Google use their dominance of the Internet to suppress speech that does not support their malevolent agenda. Having dealt with them, I find it easy to believe they have already placed a heavy thumb on the 2024 election scale by suppressing effective ads like this one:

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Apr 27 2024

Denied Healthcare for Affirming Only Women Are Women

Under a totalitarian regime that is still relatively soft and decentralized, you won’t be subjected to torture in Room 101 for stating incontrovertible facts along the lines of 2 + 2 = 4. But you might be denied healthcare:

A disabled Pennsylvanian woman is speaking out after Planned Parenthood Keystone dismissed her from medical treatment over what they allege are “anti-trans and transphobic” views. The woman, who uses the pseudonym Jane Lane, had been receiving healthcare at the Pennsylvania clinic for over a decade.

With Democrats in charge, Planned Parenthood is in effect a branch of the government. It is funded lavishly with taxpayer money. Much of this is kicked back to Democrats as campaign donations. Democrat apparatchiks will break the kneecaps of those who give Planned Parenthood trouble, as when Kamala Harris went after journalist David Daleiden for exposing Planned Parenthood’s practice of selling body parts harvested from the children it kills.

Without warning, Lane’s upcoming medical appointment was canceled, and she was not allowed to make future appointments. A letter from Planned Parenthood Keystone CEO Trish Tashjian made explicit that Lane was being punished for her viewpoint:

“The dismissal from services is due to repeated offensive conversations and symbols that contradict our commitment to creating an inclusive and compassionate environment for both staff and patients.”

Lane was denounced for “anti-trans and transphobic rhetoric and symbols.”

The letter was initially shared on X by @TTExulansic, who also included photos of the shirts Lane had occasionally worn to her appointments. Among the shirts were those with slogans “Make Women Female Again”; “Woman: Adult Human Female”; and “100% Natural Woman, Female Original.”

That is, her crime is to have affirmed that only women are women. That they regard this fact as impermissible provides insight into whether the ostensible feminists at Planned Parenthood really support women.


Lane says she witnessed a Planned Parenthood staff member with yellow and purple hair wearing similarly politicized t-shirts and jewelry, including a “smash the gender binary” pin and “they/them” pronoun earrings.

In a show of liberal tolerance, Planned Parenthood agreed to see Lane “in case of medical emergencies until 5/10/2024” — which is more compassion than you might expect from people who mainly kill babies for a living.

You can see why Democrats have made a priority of incrementally seizing control of healthcare. It gives them significant leverage to punish resistance.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 21 2024

Student Menaced by Educrats Over Overheard Phone Call

When at college, be careful not to criticize moonbattery even in a private setting. Someone might eavesdrop on your disapproved sentiments through the wall and turn you in to the woke Stasi:

A philosophy student overheard through the wall of his room saying ‘veganism is wrong’ and ‘gender fluidity is stupid’ was threatened with expulsion by his university…

Robert Ivinson said he was disciplined after a student next door in halls of residence at Exeter University heard the comments then complained he had been offensive and ‘transphobic’.

Ivinson was alone in his room with the door closed. He expressed the forbidden opinions in a phone call with a friend.

He was warned he could be expelled if the university thought he had done anything else wrong, and told by letter he had been found guilty of harassment.

Leftists are drawn to the education field because it gives them an opportunity to engineer the future. If they succeed, it will not be a future anyone but a moonbat will want to live in.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 19 2024

Police Shut Down Conservative Conference in Brussels

Brussels is the de facto capital of the European Union. The city has fallen to Europe’s worst enemies, both external and internal. Consequently:

Police descended upon a Brussels conference venue on Tuesday morning on the orders of local mayor Emir Kir to prevent a political conference from taking place. Delegates and speakers who had not yet made it into the building were blocked from entering… The conference is slated to feature a range of political speakers including Brexit leader Nigel Farage, the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban, former UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman, and other conservative thinkers and legislators.

Such speakers are regarded as offensive to the Islamoleftist alliance as personified by the socialist Turk Emir Kir.

Former French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour was among those physically prevented from entering the conference venue.

Zemmour accused Brussels municipal mayor Emir Kir of being “close to the Turkish Islamists” and using the police as “a private militia” to shut down discussion.

As noted by Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, freedom of speech is guaranteed by the Belgian constitution. Apparently this document does still apply even in colonized Brussels:

A conservative conference in Brussels has resumed after a court overturned the local mayor’s order to shut it down. …

The Mayor of Brussels justified the order to ban the conference to “guarantee public safety”, adding “the far right is not welcome”.

Extrapolating from current trends, such a conference will be inconceivable in Europe in the coming decades.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 08 2024

Shutting Down Mis-/Disinformation in South Africa

All we have to do to reach liberal utopia is follow behind South Africa. Here’s how it deals with misinformation/disinformation:

In a notice published in the Government Gazette on 22 March, the FPB [Film and Publication Board] has attempted to prescribe new regulations governing misinformation and disinformation in South Africa.

According to the FPB, an untrue communication is disinformation if you know it isn’t true and misinformation if you think it is true.

Who determines what you think? The government. Who determines whether something is true? The government.

Anyone found guilty of distributing such prohibited content faces a fine of up to R150,000 and zero to two years imprisonment.

R150,000 = US $8,066.

Internet Service Providers who learn that their services were used to disseminate disinformation or misinformation face fines of up to R750,000 and five years in prison if they don’t notify the FPB within 30 days.

R750,000 = US $40,330.

ISPs can’t pretend they don’t know about thoughtcrime conveyed on their platforms, because there is no shortage of eagle-eyed liberals eager to rat them out, as when lost almost all of its advertising revenue because it was evidently denounced to Google AdSense, Taboola, etc. as a platform for dissident opinion.

The FPB then also attempts to extend its powers regarding registration and other obligations of Internet service providers over platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Google.

Talk about chilling free speech — no wait, don’t talk about it. You might say something the government disagrees with and get fined and/or imprisoned. The rest of the West is not far behind South Africa — which in turn is not far behind Zimbabwe.

Even in the Rainbow Nation, there is still vestigial resistance:

Media Monitoring Africa, the South African National Editors Forum, the Campaign for Free Expression, the Press Council of South Africa, and the SOS Support Public Broadcasting Coalition have served the FPB with an ultimatum to withdraw the notice or face legal action.

However, the FPB is not backing down. What are lovers of freedom going to do, elect non-leftists? Demographics make that inconceivable.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 06 2024

Still Okay to Hate Whites in Scotland

Scotland has taken the lead over Canada in the race to absolute tyranny with a new law making it illegal to offend members of favored groups like sexual deviants and nonwhites. Does this law against “stirring up hatred” apply to those who are racist against the Scottish people? Let’s find out:

Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf is a vocal proponent of his nation’s new hate crime law… According to the BBC, thousands of complaints had been made under the new law’s provisions … within hours of it taking effect. The news outlet also reported that a large number of the complaints were against Yousaf himself, mostly relating to a 2020 speech he gave while serving as Justice Secretary.

This moonbat really hates Scotsmen:

Allowing Europeans to hold important positions in a European country is a violation of the principles of DEI.

Will Yousaf be punished for stirring up hatred? Not likely:

Scottish police responded to the large number of complaints, telling the BBC that they had already looked into Yousaf’s comments back in 2020 and had determined that there was nothing criminal about what he said.

Liberal tolerance is selective, as Christians can confirm. Liberal intolerance of stirring up hatred is selective too.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Mar 19 2024

Ketanji Brown Jackson Figures Out First Amendment

It is easy to dismiss Ketanji Brown Jackson as a dim-witted DEI hire, but she must be smarter than she seems, having figured out the purpose of the Constitution. She complains that it has been “hamstringing” government attempts to repress us:

Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson asked Lousiana Solicitor General Benjamin Aguiñaga during oral arguments Monday on Murthy v. Missouri (formerly Missouri v. Biden) when the federal government should be allowed to “compel or encourage” social media platforms to censor speech that is “threatening… from the government’s perspective.”

Compelling or encouraging the suppression of speech that the government finds threatening is the definition of censorship. The purpose of the First Amendment is to protect us from it.

“My biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways,” Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson said. “Some might say that the government actually has a duty to take steps to protect the citizens of this country, and you seem to be suggesting that that duty can not manifest itself in encouraging or even pressuring platforms to take down harmful information.”

Who decides when information is “harmful”? Authoritarian apparatchiks like Ketanji Brown Jackson. Harmful to whom? Them, not us.

On tips from Bluto and Htos1av.

Mar 03 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Feb 09 2024

Mark Steyn Forced to Pay $1 Million for Disputing Hoax

The liberal lawfare strategy may put an end to free speech. Leftist apparatchik Michael Mann — best known for his involvement in fabricating Al Gore’s false hockey stick graph and in the ClimateGate scandal — sued Rand Simberg and Mark Steyn for publicly observing that he is a fraud. Yesterday, a jury in the District of Corruption commanded Steyn to pay $1 in compensatory damages for the suffering Mann allegedly endured — and $1 million in punitive damages, essentially for committing heresy against left-wing climate doctrine.

Usually the process is the punishment. The esteemed countermoonbat Steyn was dragged through the courts for 12 years as punishment for criticizing the liberal establishmentarian Mann. But that was insufficient to silence debunkers of the global warming hoax, so now a $1 million fine has been added.

According to the sort of jury you might expect in DC, this is worth $1 million:

The case involved blog posts that Simberg and Steyn made over a decade ago criticizing Mann’s science and his “hockey stick” graph, which shows global temperature spiking over the last century or so. In his post on CEI’s website, Simberg accused Mann of molesting and torturing his data, and made a crude analogy between Penn State University’s investigation of Mann and its investigation of Jerry Sandusky, the school’s former football coach convicted of child molestation.

In his post on the Corner section of National Review‘s website, Steyn distanced himself from the Sandusky analogy, but added that “he has a point.” He wrote that “Mann was the man behind the fraudulent climate-change ‘hockey-stick’ graph, the very ringmaster of the tree-ring circus,” a reference to climate data obtained through the analysis of tree rings.

Displaying the mind-numbing hypocrisy that characterizes moonbats, the malicious, spiteful, vengeful, and obviously left-wing jury proclaimed that this constituted “maliciousness, spite, ill will, vengeance, or deliberate intent” to harm Mann.

Freed from the restraints that self-respect imposes on nonliberals, Mann employed crybully tactics, whimpering that Steyn’s criticism affected him emotionally and that someone gave him a “mean look that expressed revulsion” at a supermarket, which he somehow linked to Steyn.

Lest anyone doubt that the point of this was to silence political speech,

The verdict comes after Mann’s lawyer, John Williams, was admonished by the court for telling the jury during closing arguments that they could award Mann punitive damages to not only “punish” Steyn and Simberg, but to “serve as an example to prevent others from acting in the same [manner].”

“These attacks on climate science have to stop, and now you have the opportunity,” Williams said, receiving objections from both Steyn and Simberg’s attorney.

“Climate science” is Liberalese for the hoax Mann doctored data to prop up.

The Supreme Court will presumably overrule this ham-fisted attack on the First Amendment. But if Democrats remain in power long enough to appoint more Sonia Sotomayor types, the court will no longer serve as a brake on leftist tyranny.

For the conspicuously odious Michael Mann, the suit was personal:

In a 2012 email, Mann wrote that he hoped to use the lawsuit to “ruin” Steyn, whom he referred to as a “pathetic excuse for a human being.” Mann also wrote in private exchanges that there was “a possibility that I can ruin National Review,” which he referred to as “this filthy organization,” a “threat to our children,” and beholden to “greedy fat cat corporate masters.”

National Review — a platform for speech Mann wants silenced — was originally targeted too but ended up getting dropped from the suit.

Look at the bright side. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) wants people thrown in prison for disputing global warming doctrine. At least we aren’t there yet — though we probably will be soon if Democrats prevail in November.

On a tip from Varla.

Jan 30 2024

Liberal Establishment Comes Down on Jordan Peterson

As Canada slides deeper into totalitarianism, the liberals in charge are ever less willing to tolerate dissidents like clinical psychologist, professor emeritus, and online educator Jordan Peterson. Mary Anastasia O’Grady sounds the alarm:

According to Ontario court documents, he’s been the subject of complaints since 2018 about his public statements “on topics of social and political interest, including transgender questions, racism, overpopulation, and the response to COVID-19, among others.” The complainers—none of whom seem ever to have been his patients—mainly tweeted their objections to the provincial licensing board known as the College of Psychologists of Ontario.


The board’s job is to regulate for competence, not for political views.

However, the board is part of the liberal establishment. That means its true primary purpose is to impose leftism.

In March 2020, the board warned Peterson about his “manner and tone.” Then…

In August 2022 the board wrote to Mr. Peterson on behalf of its panel of investigators about his “demeaning, degrading and unprofessional” public statements and the “harm” they could cause people. He could solve the problem, the bureaucrats said, if he would agree to attend a re-education camp of its choosing.

Peterson’s allegedly problematic manner and tone are generally thoughtful and professorial. But he is no coward. He declined to submit to demeaning political indoctrination. The board proclaimed that this refusal “may constitute professional misconduct.”

Canadian courts sided with the board, meaning that he might lose his professional credentials over thoughtcrime like this:

Court documents cite instances of name-calling politicians and his refusal to use pronouns other than those that correspond to biological sex. In May 2022, court documents say, “he commented on a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover with a plus-sized model, tweeting: ‘Sorry. Not Beautiful. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.’”

Liberals helpfully underscored his point by attempting to silence him.

The establishment’s main problem with Peterson is not that he is an articulate opponent of its ideology, but that he is unwilling to cower in submission.

This makes him a problem for the mob and a danger to a system that relies on cultural repression to advance its agenda.

In a free society, even those who disagree with Peterson would acknowledge his right to his opinion. Canada — the moribund canary in the coalmine of moonbattery — is not a free society.

On a tip from Varla.

Jan 18 2024

NBC Censors Profession of Faith by Houston Quarterback

It isn’t only individual moonbats like Joy Reid and Rob Reiner who are intolerant toward Christians. To the extent they are moonbats, they are not individuals, but components of a borg known as the Liberal Establishment. The whole borg hates Christians — so much so that NBC censors expressions of faith from players like Houston Texans quarterback C.J. Stroud:

Here’s the uncensored version:

Too bad for NBC Sports that it came along too late to cover feeding Christians to lions at the Coliseum.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.


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