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Dec 17 2023

Illinois NAACP President Tests Deep Fake Excuse

Artificial Intelligence mainly programmed by moonbats is likely to make most of our lives worse, but it does offer one advantage. Now when public figures are caught on video saying something they wish they hadn’t, they can claim they are victims of “deep fakes.”

Illinois NAACP President Teresa Haley is enraged that the massive hordes of illegal aliens Democrats have been importing from the Third World to displace the America population are prioritized even above native-born BIPOCs.

Gripes Haley:

“But black people have been on the streets forever and ever, and nobody cares because they say that we’re drug addicts, we got mental health issues. But these immigrants have come over here, they’ve been raping people, they’ve been breaking into homes, they’re like savages as well!”

It is unclear whether she means that undocumented Democrats are like savages in addition to raping people and breaking into homes, or that they resemble savages just likeā€¦ Never mind.

Governor JB Pritzker took her to task for deviating from political correctness:

“Reprehensible remarks, I would hope that she would apologize for the remarks. I also think that people should recognize that immigrants to this country are all around us,” he said.

Democrats rarely miss a chance to conflate legitimate immigrants who came to assimilate and contribute to American society with criminal invaders who sneer at our laws just by being here while sponging off public assistance.

Haley did apologize – but then after she was tracked down on vacation in Dubai by Chicago ABC station WLS-TV, she suggested it was a deepfake, saying “With AI, anything is possible.”

Is it a deep fake, or has Haley stepped in something deep by committing thoughtcrime? You be the judge:

On a tip from Barry A.


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