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Oct 10 2023

European Welfare Will Continue to Finance Hamas

Gaza is to quasi-countries what Detroit is to cities: a welfare state that breeds monsters because free money frees the population from taking responsibility. For a brief moment, last weekend’s terror atrocities briefly awakened bleeding heart fools from their kumbaya dreams:

But then the Euroweenies promptly dozed off again:

“There will be no suspension of payments” at the moment, the Commission said in a statement reported by The Associated Press.

The change comes hours after E.U. Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi claimed the opposite on social media, saying that the bloc’s 691 million euro — or $730 million — development portfolio to the Palenstinians was put under review.

No worries. The money is “humanitarian aid.” As with the $6 billion Biden just gave to Hamas sponsor Iran, Gaza’s democratically elected government Hamas is not supposed to spend it on terrorism.

The Associated Press reported the alliance has provided 700 million euros of humanitarian aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank since 2000 through the European Commission’s humanitarian aid department (ECHO) and the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

Not even the moonbats comprising the United Nations and US government are dumb enough to believe that a single penny given to Palestinians or Iranians does not help finance terrorism. Pious tears for the self-induced plight of Palestinians will not wash the blood off their hands.

After Black Lives Matter riots caused $billions in damages, it never occurred to the liberals in charge to restrict the flow of free money that has resulted in such a profusion of sociopathic scumbags by allowing welfare state culture to fester. Likewise, Hamas has no need to worry that it will be deprived the funding that enables it.

On a tip from Anonymous.


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3 Responses to “European Welfare Will Continue to Finance Hamas”

  1. […] the money no matter what they do anyway. Even following last weekend’s horrors, the EU quickly walked back a suggestion that it might hold back funding from […]

  2. […] getting the money no matter what they do anyway. Even following last weekend’s horrors, the EU quickly walked back a suggestion that it might hold back funding from […]

  3. […] wonder what happens to the $billions upon $billions of free money bestowed upon them compliments of European and American taxpayers. The answer is […]


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