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Jan 16 2024


After institutions are infiltrated and subverted by leftists, they are not immediately destroyed. First they are reduced to tasteless farce. Consider higher education:

Rice University is offering an ‘Afrochemistry’ class that promises to analyze science through a ‘contemporary African-American lens’.

The course promises to enlighten students regarding the science of “black-life matter.” It’s a joke, but it is also an actual course, indirectly subsidized by taxpayers even at a private school:

The course description on the university’s website explains students will ‘apply chemical tools and analysis to understand black life in the US’ and ‘implement African American sensibilities to analyze chemistry’.

Because everything must be viewed through the lens of moonbattery. It is a truly totalitarian ideology.

Brooke Johnson, a Rice graduate with a PhD in chemistry from Princeton hired last August as part of the university’s DEI department, will teach the class.

Brooke might not know much about chemistry, given the effect DEI has had on Ivy League standards, but she is conversant with Cultural Marxism. According to her bio, she “is passionate about the intersection of science and social justice.” A flyer for the course proclaims that it will “explore the intersection of racial justice and chemistry.”

Einstein was a product of unenlightened times. According to the new science, E = BLM2.

On tips from R F and Ed McAninch.


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