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Aug 27 2023

Alice Cooper Versus Carlos Santana

We have come to a pretty pass when a guy famous for wearing eye makeup who calls himself Alice is the voice of sanity on gender issues:

Alice Cooper, the eye-liner wearing “Godfather of Shock Rock,” was dumped by a cosmetics company after the singer questioned the rush to perform trans surgeries on kids and said that transitioning genders was a “fad.”

We are not allowed to call this fad a fad, nor are we allowed to object to children having their bodies and the lives ruined so that they can be transformed into freakish facsimiles of the opposite sex on behalf of the LGBT agenda. Consequently, Cooper must be punished. Cancelation of his 2-week-old partnership with Vampyre Cosmetics is only the beginning. No one can be permitted to make such a pageant of thoughtcrime as this:

“I find it wrong when you’ve got a six-year-old kid who has no idea. He just wants to play, and you’re confusing him telling him, ‘Yeah, you’re a boy, but you could be a girl if you want to be.’”

“I think that’s so confusing to a kid. It’s even confusing to a teenager,” Cooper continued. “You’re still trying to find your identity, and yet here’s this thing going on, saying, ‘Yeah, but you can be anything you want. You can be a cat if you want to be.’ I mean, if you identify as a tree. … And I’m going, ‘Come on! What are we in, a Kurt Vonnegut novel?’ It’s so absurd, that it’s gone now to the point of absurdity.”

He even went beyond LGBTism to attack the Newspeak Dictionary and moonbattery in general:

“Who’s making the rules? Is there a building somewhere in New York where people sit down every day and say, ‘Okay, we can’t say ‘mother’ now. We have to say ‘birthing person.’ Get that out on the wire right now’?” …

Cooper called the woke movement “laughable” at this point, noting that few people agree with the extreme ideas that woke people support.

That’s why these ideas have to be imposed by force, and why Alice Cooper — who also stands guilty of being Christian — may face cancelation by the entertainment establishment. There are worse things.

If you are going to be an aging rocker who speaks up about America’s transsexualization by social engineers, be one with character like Alice Cooper, not a sniveling coward like Paul Stanley or Carlos Santana:

Santana issued an apology this week after a clip of him went viral from a concert where he said, “A woman is a woman and a man is a man. That’s it.”

These days you need a spine to state an indisputable tautological fact and stand by it. Santana proved not to have one after the “marginalized” no doubt read him the riot act.

“I am sorry for my insensitive comments,” the 76-year-old guitarist said in a post on social media. “They don’t reflect that I want to honor and respect all person’s ideals and beliefs. I realize that what I said hurt people and that was not my intent. I sincerely apologize to the transgender community and everyone I offended.”

Please crawl in a hole and die.

On tips from Varla, Bluto, and Wiggins.


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