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Feb 04 2023

Anti-Cop LA City Councilor Gets Extra Patrol for His Car

The hypocrisy that characterizes leftists is almost superhuman. Consider Hugo Soto-Martinez of the Los Angeles City Council:

Soto-Martinez campaigned against ‘armed militias occupying our neighborhoods,’ saying that the existing policing system was ‘completely corrupt, immoral, and needs to be changed drastically.’

He has advocated defunding the LAPD and California Highway Patrol. “I believe in the eventual goal of abolishing the current system of policing,” barked the moonbat. He called for the “redistribution of police money to other public sector unions.” But then,

On Thursday night, a member of his team placed a call to the LAPD just before 10pm requesting assistance, because Soto-Martinez’s white Lexus had broken down.

‘Extra patrol throughout the night for parked white Lexus belonging to councilmember,’ the LAPD request noted.

Hate-hoaxing extended Squad member Cori Bush, who ran for Congress as a representative of Black Lives Matter in the aftermath of hundreds of antipolice riots, spends a fortune on security. Even she doesn’t have the gall to rely heavily on the local police she demonizes.

Soto-Martinez will go far in liberal politics.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.


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2 Responses to “Anti-Cop LA City Councilor Gets Extra Patrol for His Car”

  1. […] Moonbattery covers an anti-cop LA city councilor getting extra cop protection […]


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