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Mar 09 2024

Attack of the Trans Vegans

To be at the cutting edge of intersectional trendiness, declare yourself a trans vegan:

Trans veganism is a unique lifestyle that combines two seemingly different movements – veganism and transgenderism. However, upon closer inspection, one can see that these two movements share a lot of common themes, such as compassion, empathy, and equality. Both movements promote a vision of a more just, fair, and equitable world.

Even now, the leftist kooks comprising the establishment present themselves as bold rebels confronting oppression:

At the intersection of veganism and transgenderism, we find that both movements share a commitment to challenging the status quo and the dominant power structures that oppress individuals and groups. Veganism seeks to challenge the animal agriculture industry, which is notorious for its cruelty and exploitation of animals. Transgenderism, on the other hand, seeks to challenge the gender binary and the patriarchal structures that enforce gender norms and restrict personal expression.

Moonbattery is fungible. All forms of it can be applied under the banner of trans veganism, including Critical Race Theory…

[P]eople of colour and indigenous people are disproportionately affected by environmental degradation and the harmful practices of the animal agriculture industry.

…as well as the global warming hoax:

By consuming only plant-based products, trans vegans significantly reduce their carbon footprint, which has a positive impact on the environment.

The keystone of hardcore moonbattery is the concept of equity:

By adopting a vegan lifestyle, trans vegans further support the movement for animal rights and contribute to a more equitable society.

Only when the authorities have imposed equal outcomes not only between identity groups but between species will utopia be achieved.

After smugness, the most conspicuous characteristic of moonbats is their poor mental health, which makes this rich:

[T]he ethical and compassionate approach of trans veganism can also contribute to positive mental health.

The reasoning:

By promoting kindness towards animals and the environment, trans vegans can find greater meaning and purpose in their lives, which in turn can lead to greater happiness and contentment.

If their happiness and contentment derive from rejecting a normal human diet and pretending to be members of the opposite sex, it is no wonder moonbats are such miserable creatures. To the detriment of all of us, misery loves company.

On a tip from Mike B.


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2 Responses to “Attack of the Trans Vegans”

  1. […] I owe something to Dave Blount for this citation…but I’m not sure it’s my […]

  2. […] Moonbattery shows the attack of the trans vegans […]


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