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Mar 24 2022

Biden Regime Exploits Housing to Stage Next Crisis

After progressives decided that healthcare is a human right, Democrats used Obamacare to drive the cost of healthcare into the stratosphere. Now, the radical mantra that housing is a human right has been taken up by the Biden Regime.

On Tuesday, Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Marcia Fudge made it official:

“If we are to fully achieve justice in housing, we must fully accept what that means,” Fudge said in an address to the National Low Income Housing Coalition policy forum, a virtual event about affordable housing. “Justice in housing is everyone realizing the fundamental truth—housing is a human right.”

“Justice” is used in the Orwellian sense, meaning injustice. Democrats’ idea of “justice” is that you pay for the house and someone else lives in it. Because equity.

Fudge isn’t the first Democrat to take this step into straightforward Marxism.

In the 2020 US presidential election, several Democratic candidates, including former housing secretary Julián Castro and then-candidate Kamala Harris, included a right to housing as part of their policy platforms. In July 2021 when Missouri Rep. Cori Bush slept on the steps of the Capitol to protest the end of eviction moratoriums, she held a sign carrying the phrase.

Cori Bush represents Missouri less than Black Lives Matter, a movement rooted in Marxism.

But no presidential administration has openly endorsed the idea of housing as a fundamental right since Franklin Roosevelt included the right to “a decent home” in his Second Bill of Rights in the 1940s.

FDR’s “Second Bill of Rights” would have replaced the first Bill of Rights, reducing the USA to a communist country.

The effect of free housing promised to everyone too busy indulging in fentanyl to pay for their own will tip the economy into hyperinflation. This is not a bug but a feature.

If you doubt that Democrats are destroying the economy on purpose so as to create a crisis that can be exploited to seize more power, consider that the financial collapse of 2008 that swept Obama into office was largely caused by the government leaning on banks to give home loans to people who could not afford them in the name of racial equity. To deny them a loan was menacingly denounced as “redlining.” Then consider this:

Kamala Harris will announce an action plan to stop racial discrimination in the appraisal of home values, according to senior Biden administration officials. …

Appraisers help to determine the value of a home so that buyers can receive a mortgage.

Home appraisals, like home loans leading to 2008, are to be determined on the basis of race. This too will have the effect of distorting the housing market.

It isn’t that Democrats don’t learn from experience. It is that they learn too well — and do not have our best interests at heart.

On tips from Dragon’s Lair and Wiggins.


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One Response to “Biden Regime Exploits Housing to Stage Next Crisis”

  1. […] When that only makes things worse, the regime will take the next logical step by declaring housing to be a human right — as Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Marcia Fudge already has. […]


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