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Dec 30 2023

Biden Spends to Promote Queer Muslims in India

Despite onerous taxation, the national debt is rocketing toward $34 trillion. Inflation caused by excessive government spending continues to gnaw away at our savings and our standard of living. Here is where some of the money is going:

The State Department is providing financial support to a “queer” Muslim organization in India so it can provide “LGBTQI” people in the regions with a platform to write, according to a grant listing.

Outside of Disney, it would be hard to imagine a more pernicious institution than the US State Department.

The grant was disbursed in September to Creating Resources for Empowerment and Action, a Soros-funded feminist group that advances “the sexual rights of all people,” and went on to fund the Queer Muslim Project, which is an “online platform for queer, Muslim and allied voices” based in India.

India is well known for Islamic violence, despite the attempt to avoid it by splitting off Pakistan and Bangladesh into separate countries. Provoking Muslims with gratuitous depravity is not constructive. The “queer Muslims” Democrats egg on are likely to get chucked off rooftops and have their corpses pelted with rocks.

As we learned on 9/11, resentment sometimes follows us home. Yet promoting sexual depravity around the world is an explicit policy of the Biden Regime.

On a tip from Franco.


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