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Jul 25 2022

Bidenvilles Sprout Like Leprous Sores

“Bidonville” is French for shantytown. We now have a similar word in English — “Bidenville”:

In America under President Joe Biden, the word “Bidenville” is beginning to gain traction as a term for a waste-filled, insalubrious tent city inhabited by what the left calls “people experiencing homelessness,” who often suffer from an unfortunate combination of drug addiction and mental illness.

Bidenvilles are different from the Hoovervilles of the Great Depression.

Hoovervilles comprised able-bodied people who were out of work due to the worst economic crisis and highest unemployment in U.S. history. Now, unemployment is low and entry-level jobs go begging. The Bidenvilles of today are filled more by ideology and incompetence than economic duress.

This will change if Biden et al. are allowed to destroy the economy through excessive taxation, spending, and malicious regulation.

Bidenvilles are exploding because cities are run by liberals, who not only refuse to clean up homeless encampments but facilitate the drug use that characterizes them. Also contributing to the swelling numbers is Biden’s literally treasonous policy of refusing to defend the border.

[W]ith illegal crossings topping 200,000 a month, and half or more of these migrants being released and moved into the interior, the numbers of newly arrived and needy illegal aliens are rising all over the country. Some end up on the streets, compounding already dire problems of homelessness.

No problem created by government is so bad that government cannot make it worse still:

D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, a Democrat, introduced an emergency appropriations bill July 19 that would provide additional funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Emergency Food and Shelter Program. …

If Norton’s measure passes, taxpayers not only would be on the hook for illegal immigrants’ shelter, food, and medical care after crossing the border, followed by transportation to their favored U.S. destination. Taxpayers also would be shelling out for housing and feeding the migrants once they arrived. This would be the ultimate (socialist) red carpet.

In case the inevitable effect of throwing other people’s money at homelessness is not intuitively obvious, we have the example of San Francisco, which spends an estimated $106,000 per derelict and is consequently so infested with them that the sidewalks are ankle-deep in human waste.

The core objective of Democrat policy is to reduce all of America to a Bidenville. Then the party’s power over us will be absolute.

On a tip from Blackjack.


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