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Sep 16 2021

Blood on Biden’s Hands

The leftists at Fakebook do not want you to hear John Ondrasik’s song “Blood on My Hands”:

With unusual speed, Facebook has blocked a Grammy-nominated songwriter from promoting his new tune that pays tribute to U.S. troops in Afghanistan and whacks President Joe Biden’s bumbled withdrawal.

On John Ondrasik’s page, Facebook said it was blocking an ad to promote his new song, “Blood on my hands,” because “it doesn’t comply with our advertising policies.” The reason was unclear…

On the contrary, the reason is plenty clear when you consider that ham-fisted Big Tech censors and the Democrat Party they helped install in power are two heads on the same Ghidra-like monstrosity.

As Ondrasik notes on his website,

America was built on the foundational freedom to criticize one’s leaders and hold them accountable. It is what separates us from our communist and dictatorship adversaries. How else can we as a nation learn from our mistakes and make better decisions moving forward without honest reflection on our actions? To date, I have not seen that accountability.

Shut up, the liberal establishment personified by Biden responds. But YouTube hasn’t censored his song yet:

Hat tip: Not the Bee.


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