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Category: Border/Immigration

Jul 26 2024

Orders From Headquarters on Border Czar Kamala

Now that Queen Kamala has been coronated by the shadowy forces controlling the Democratic Party, the liberal media is once again all on the same page. Here’s the page:

The Democrat apparatchiks comprising the “mainstream” media are so good at sticking to the same talking points, you could almost suspect they are a borg with a single hive mind. But dramatic historical revisions like Oceania always having been at war with Eastasia and Kamala Harris never having been the border czar require specific orders.

The establishment media has no more credibility than Pravda did in Stalin’s time. Liberals really are recreating the Soviet Union. First as tragedy, second as farce, as their guiding light Karl Marx would say.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jul 23 2024

Demographic Displacement and Rape

One inevitable consequence of displacing the native population with the dregs of the Third World is rape. This can be seen from one side of the Atlantic

A young Australian tourist’s visit to Paris turned into a nightmare after she was gang raped by five men [Sunday]. Police have described her assailants as being “African type individuals.” …

French users on social media were not shocked to hear of the news, with many noting that Paris has experienced a spike in rapes coinciding with mass migration from Africa and the Middle East. …

In 2023 there were approximately 94,900 sexual offense recorded by the police across France, a significant increase when compared with the previous year when around 84,500 sexual offenses were reported to the authorities.

Recent statistics have revealed that 77% of rapes which occurred in the nation’s capital were committed by men with a foreign background.

to the other:

[The sanctuary city New York] has seen an alarming 11% jump in rapes this year — with some sections of the city seeing their numbers more than double. …

Christian Inga, a Venezuelan migrant who lived in Corona, was arrested for the rape of a 13-year-old girl at knifepoint…

The teen’s father … said the family has been in despair since the vicious attack. …

He … blamed President Biden’s disastrous open-border policy for allowing career criminals to easily enter the US.

Past generations would have defended their countries and their women. But now we are more enlightened. We have left xenophobia and toxic masculinity behind us — in favor of cultural genocide and rape.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and WDS 2.0.

Jul 22 2024

Why Syrians in Germany Don’t Have to Pay

They call it “immigration” rather than “conquest.” But Europe’s replacement population knows better.

Via Allah’s Willing Executioners:

A particularly brazen shoplifting incident occurred in Thuringia [Germany] on Saturday. A 27-year-old Syrian man entered a petrol station in Oberroßla, a district of the town of Apolda…

He determinedly demanded a packet of cigarettes, a lighter and an energy drink from the sales staff…

Then he left without paying for them.

[H]e is an Arab and does not have to pay anything, the man explained.

That’s the idea of colonizing degenerate welfare states like Germany. The colonized pay for everything, the colonizers for nothing.

Jul 19 2024

Colonization on Display in Leeds

The plan is to sweep Third World colonization under the rug by limiting it to no-go zones (a.k.a. “migrant communities”) until it is too late to do anything about it. But sometimes the conquest of Europe breaks into the open, as just happened in Leeds:

Mostly peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters couldn’t roll over a police car better.

Paul Joseph Watson reports on what the mainstream media would prefer to ignore:

This is what Britons voted for. Let’s hope they enjoy it.

On tips from Wiggins, KirklesWorth, and Anonymous.

Jul 13 2024

Shopping in Multiculturally Enriched Vienna

Unfortunately not all of Vienna’s replacement population busies itself with constructive activity like directing traffic naked. Here’s what it’s like to go shopping there with Afghans:

Via Allah’s Willing Executioners:

A group of three men, according to the police Afghans (22, 23 and 25), are said to have entered the grocery shop in Wolfganggasse, two of whom – for unknown reasons – first started rioting in the fruit and vegetable department and then threw goods across the room and kicked shelves. Customers tried to avoid the riot but were nevertheless drawn into it, with one user posting on the internet about the footage: “Madness. Now you have to have close combat training when shopping.”

Careful now with the combat training. If you hurt a migrant, you know which side the authorities will take.

Jul 13 2024

Islamic Traffic Cop in Vienna

Vienna has been home to some of the giants of Western Civilization, like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Franz Josef Haydn. With the displacement of the population well underway, the Viennese who come to our attention nowadays are quite different:

He stood stark naked on the street with his finger raised and shouted “Allahu Akbar”: a suspected Islamist caused a stir on Perfektastraße in Vienna on Wednesday. In a subsequent police operation, he injured a female officer. …

In the middle of the street, he seemed intent on “directing traffic”.

The raised finger might remind readers of Osama bin Laden or ISIS.

Vienna, consider yourself multiculturally enriched.

Jul 12 2024

Springfield, Ohio Annexed by Haiti

You would think that a small town deep in the heartland of America would be safe from foreign conquest — especially by the most backward and dysfunctional country on the planet. Yet under Democrat rule, Springfield, Ohio (pop. 58,662) has been annexed by Haiti:

The town situated just west of the state capitol in Columbus has been a target of Haitian immigrants at least since 2014, and in the ensuing years, some ten thousand had moved to the Rust Belt town. But in the last four years alone, that population has ballooned to more than 20,000. …

Town services are being stretched thin, and costs for translating services, housing, and legal services have become a major expense.

One advantage of being the conquerors rather than the conquered is that the latter has to pay the former’s bills.

Haitians have become more obtrusive by driving illegally, piling into apartments and homes by the dozens, filling local schools with children who need special care in education and language services, and increasingly becoming a focus for government spending.

The conquest is explicit:

Residents are becoming uneasy as their town becomes increasingly decorated with Haitian flags, for instance. And some expressed concern when the Haitian flag was raised at City Hall instead of the U.S. flag during the city’s flag day celebrations.

Beyond the humiliating symbolism, Third World occupation kills American children. For example, last year…

…migrant Hermanio Joseph drove a 2010 Honda Odyssey into oncoming traffic causing a school bus filled with children on their way to their first day of school to spin out of control and flip over.

The accident left 11-year-old Aiden Clark dead and a dozen other children injured, some seriously.

Hermanio Joseph did not have a driver’s license — not that this would stop him from driving or voting.

If you own property in a town Democrats have done this to, it might be wise not to bother trying to sell it; just get the hell out and count yourself lucky to have escaped. If they hold on to power much longer, the same advice will apply to America in general.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 12 2024

Illegal Alien Knifes Children in Wisconsin

It isn’t only in Europe that the tsunami of immigrants from the savage Third World poses a threat to children:

Victor Manuel Gomez-Acosta was arrested in Abbotsford, Wisconsin for the violent stabbing deaths of two children on July 5.

Like millions of others, Gomez-Acosta is in the country illegally, making the Biden Administration complicit in this:

When police discovered them, each child had between 16–20 stab wounds and they were found dead in a bedroom.

If only there had been some indication that it was not a good idea to let Gomez-Acosta run around loose in our country. Oh wait:

Just two months earlier, on May 5, Gomez-Acosta was arrested for drunk driving and speeding. Court records show that he pled not guilty to the charges through an interpreter and was set free on a $1,000 bond. There was no mention of his immigration status and whether he held a valid driver’s license.

What, he had to pay cash bail? Democrats would call that oppression.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 11 2024

Migrants Rape Children Without Serious Consequence

Surprising news: it is actually possible for an illegal immigrant to get deported from Germany. When they go, they leave the country in style:

Germany chartered a luxury private jet to deport a migrant child rapist back to his home country after he was convicted of brutally raping a little girl.

The horrific crime occurred in June of 2019 in the state of Saxony-Anhalt. A 9-year-old girl left her home to play in the nearby Elbe meadows, carrying her teddy bear with her as she walked. It was then that she was spotted by a 27-year-old man from Niger…

The illegal immigrant, identified only as “Seydou N,” raped the little girl at knifepoint, for which he was given a 5½-year wrist slap. Less than 4 years into it, he was sent home on a private jet. The cost of the deportation was €120,000.

Time will tell how long it takes Seydou N. to show up in Germany again. Or maybe Biden’s open border will draw him to the USA.

Meanwhile, up in Sweden:

Two Afghan migrants are facing light sentences after being convicted of raping a young girl and filming the assault. Irshad Ahmad and Elham Bahram will not face deportation from Sweden as the two were granted citizenship approximately four years ago.

The 13-year-old girl was raped at knifepoint in the Islamic colony Malmö, infamous for being a no-go zone largely off limits to Swedes.

Since they were only 16 years old at the time, their wrist slaps were even milder:

On July 2, the Malmö District Court convicted Irshad of aggravated rape against a child, offensive photography, child pornography, and additional assaults against two other girls. But, due to his young age, Irshad will not be sent to prison and will instead spend 10 months in youth residential care.

Elham was similarly convicted for the aggravated rape of a child and spared prison. He has been sentenced to 1 year of youth supervision, and the sentence will be carried out in the community.

They were ordered to pay ~$34,000 in restitution to the little girl they recorded themselves raping, but since Sweden’s replacement population does not tend to generate wealth, taxpayers will likely pay it.

If the leftists running Europe and North America were deliberately trying to enrage the native population, what would they do differently?

On tips from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 11 2024

Germans Keep Releasing Nigerian Maniac

An unnamed Nigerian demonstrates how left-wing lawlessness helps Germany’s replacement population enrich the multicultural tapestry:

On Friday, at 12:45 p.m., the man grabbed a 9-year-old boy at the main station in Karlsruhe in the state of Baden-Würtemberg, located in the southwest of Germany. Police intervened to save the boy, and the African man bit one of the officers, while three police suffered abrasions during the scuffle.

Then, 13 hours later, the same man wanted to travel without a ticket and got on a night train at 1:50 a.m.

Again the police confronted him. It didn’t turn out well:

“The man put up considerable resistance and repeatedly stabbed the officers from behind with the blade of a cutter knife,” said a police spokeswoman. One of the officers was stabbed in the head, arm and hand, while another officer was cut on his leg.

At least the public is now safe from this maniac, right? Wrong. Under moonbat rule, those in charge are on his side.

Despite attempts to charge the man, the public prosecutor released the Nigerian.

He immediately went back to riding the train without purchasing a ticket, and on Saturday at 7 a.m., a police spokeswoman described how he once again attacked a federal police officer when he was stopped.

He was arrested again, but…

The man was simply released by a public prosecutor even after the officers applied for an arrest warrant twice.

I thought it was only in the USA that George Soros is in charge of appointing prosecutors.

Either we scrape moonbats from power or civilization collapses.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and WDS 2.0.

Jul 09 2024

Dems Count on Illegal Alien Vote for November

As even Axios effectively admits, the reason Democrats don’t worry about enraging the American population just before an election by leaving the border undefended is that they are counting on unlawful invaders pouring across it to displace us at the ballot box — not in the future but right now:

A survey conducted by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project found that 10% of illegal aliens and non-citizens stated that they are registered to vote in the upcoming election.

Posted by the Oversight Project on the 4th of July:

Evidence that this is representative of an overall situation that will provide Democrats with a significant number of illegitimate votes is provided by the Biden Regime:

The Biden administration has issued a statement in strong opposition to the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which would require people to provide proof of citizenship before voting in upcoming elections. …

Republican congressmen pushed for the SAVE Act to pass following a bombshell report from the New York Post revealing that welfare agencies gave thousands of non-citizens voter registration forms without requiring proof of citizenship. …

On July 8, the Executive Office of the President expressed its opposition to the legislation in a statement that Speaker of the House Mike Johnson posted to his X account.

Stand by for doubletalk straight out of Orwell’s Ministry of Truth:

“The President has been clear: he will continue fighting to protect Americans’ sacred right to vote in free, fair, and secure elections,” the statement continued, adding that Biden supports the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act.

This act would facilitate large-scale election fraud. The intent is to reduce American elections to farce, so as to replace our democratic republic with a single-party oligarchy and leave the population at the mercy of the evil insects who program Biden’s teleprompter.

Democrats’ open intention to cheat has drawn backlash from patriots. No worries; if Americans won’t vote for Democrats, they can treasonously import welfare colonists who will.

On tips from KirklesWorth, MrRightWingDave, and ABC of the ANC.

Jul 08 2024

Shopping While White in Finland

Barring a remarkable reversal, the fate Emmanuel Macron and his ultraleft allies are inflicting on France will be shared by the rest of Europe. Here’s what it is already like to go out in public as a white girl in Finland:

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 08 2024

Why Dems Aren’t Worried About Alienating Voters

Some might wonder why Democrats are willing to take a political hit by leaving the border open. If they would take more than the most insolently phony measures to defend the country, it would quell some anger over the devastation the invasion has been wreaking. Why don’t they care what the American people think of them heading into an election?

Liberal Axios admits the answer:

They can’t wait for the demographic transformation to do to the whole country what it has done to the state that not that long ago elected Ronald Reagan governor twice. The Democratic Party is as hostile to the United States as its allies in Iran, and it’s too late to keep people from knowing it. The Great Replacement has to happen right now.

It would be crazy for Americans to vote for Democrats at this point, but for unlawful invaders from the Third World it makes perfect sense. Democrats allow them to enslave us via the welfare state.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jul 06 2024

How Plush a Red Carpet They Roll Out for Illegals

The Democratic Party does more than allow the rest of the world’s refuse to invade our country by the millions so as to displace us. It rolls out the red carpet. No expense is too extravagant, because we’re picking up the tab.

How plush is the red carpet? To find out what we’re paying for, let’s head to the effectively nonexistent southern border. Bill Wells is mayor of El Cajon, California:

How convenient for the people responsible for this state of affairs that the crime of treason isn’t punished these days.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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